Young Mungo Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Douglas Stuart
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Young Mungo Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Douglas Stuart
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part V (Pages 333 - 390, Chapters 24 - 28).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Mungo and the men come across that Mungo sees for the first time?
(a) A frog.
(b) A sheep.
(c) A castle.
(d) A car.

2. What nickname do the neighbors call Mr. Calhoun?
(a) Jim.
(b) Poor-Wee-Chickie.
(c) John.
(d) Richard.

3. What does Mo-Maw imply about Mr. Calhoun?
(a) He is a ghost.
(b) He is a librarian.
(c) He is a child molester.
(d) He is a fine man.

4. Where does Mo-Maw meet St. Christoper and Gallowgate?
(a) The hospital.
(b) The grocery store.
(c) Jail.
(d) An AA meeting.

5. What is a derogatory term for a gay man that is used in Glasgow in Mungo's time?
(a) Fenian.
(b) Poufter.
(c) Likker.
(d) Fang.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 14, what does Mungo do to Christopher?

2. What does Gallowgate do to Mungo at the end of Chapter 11?

3. What does one of the men tell Mungo he will be awed by in Chapter 1?

4. Where does Mr. Gillespie take Jodie to have sex?

5. What does Mr. Calhoun have on his front door?

(see the answer key)

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