Young Men & Fire Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Young Men & Fire Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To what does a woodsman look for both the questions and their answers?
(a) The sky.
(b) The trees.
(c) The grasses.
(d) The ground.

2. To what did Maclean compare the fire lower on the hillside as it met the escape fire set by Dodge?
(a) Deranged mice running toward a mouse hole and hitting a wall.
(b) Deranged military monsters enraged by the obstacle in front of them.
(c) Deranged soldiers running blindly into the smoke and fire.
(d) Deranged serpents searching for food.

3. Who made the crosses that mark the spots the Smokejumpers fell, defeated by the fire?
(a) Wag Dodge and his crew.
(b) The Smokejumpers in Missoula.
(c) The U.S. Forest Service.
(d) The Red Cross.

4. Where did Maclean and his brother-in-law first go to view Mann Gulch?
(a) Through the mountain range.
(b) Over the ridge climbed by Sallee and Rumsey.
(c) Up through the Gates of the Mountain.
(d) Down the Missouri River.

5. What did Maclean say was evidence of the strength of the fire when it hit the Smokejumpers on the ridge?
(a) It blew the watches from their wrists.
(b) It singed the hair on their heads.
(c) It blew the clothes off of their bodies.
(d) It melted the soles of their shoes.

Short Answer Questions

1. When was the only time Smokejumpers were allowed to be alone while fighting a fire?

2. After Smokejumpers are dropped on a fire, what time do they say the fire will be put out?

3. When Sallee and Rumsey reached Hellman's cross, what did they both say to Laird and Maclean?

4. What was the Board of Review?

5. Where did Maclean place the ashes of his wife Jessie when she died?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Maclean believe has become the symbol of fear in the late twentieth century? What artist does he site as support for this claim?

2. How did Jansson's explanation of why the non-flammable objects such as wallets and watches were found uphill from the men's bodies? How did his explanation differ from that of the Forest Service?

3. What did the gulch look like forty years after the fire? Was there any living vegetation?

4. How did Maclean explain the picture of a big fire? What was it made up of in his opinion?

5. What was it like when the fire reached its height and totally covered the landscape? To what did Maclean compare the fire at this point?

6. Who was Henry Thol, Sr.? What was his role in the Mann Gulch fire?

7. As Maclean began his comparison of the Smokejumpers' run to the top of the ridge to a race run on a track, how did he compare the race run by the Smokejumpers and that of the athlete on a track?

8. What was the movie released in 1952 about the Mann Gulch fire? What does Maclean note about the film and its historic accuracy?

9. When Maclean and his group began their trek to Mann Gulch, how did Maclean respond to those who were concerned about his heart being strong enough to make it to the site of the fire?

10. Whom did Maclean find at the Hoerner Waldorf-Champion paper mill? What information did this person give Maclean to move him along in his search for Sallee and Rumsey?

(see the answer keys)

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