Young Men & Fire Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Young Men & Fire Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What were the emotions governing the Mann Gulch tragedy since it was first analyzed?
(a) Fear and disgust.
(b) Fear and longing.
(c) Fear and anger.
(d) Fear and pity.

2. What was one of many reasons Maclean thought Henry Thol, Sr. should be proud of his son?
(a) His son was the closest man to the top of the ridge.
(b) His son carried a picture of his family with him.
(c) His son was not alone when he died.
(d) His son died while protecting another man.

3. How did Maclean see the change in our point of view when studying the Mann Gulch fires, now that we know more about the fire?
(a) We should be careful while trying to summarize that fire and its effects on the gulch.
(b) We should stay attuned to the possibily of fire in lightning storms.
(c) We should stay close to the ground and have compassion for the young men who died.
(d) We should be very careful not to put too much value in the trees growing now.

4. Who was the chief forester in Washington D.C. at the time of the Mann Gulch fire?
(a) Wag Dodge.
(b) Leon F. Wogan.
(c) Lyle F. Watts.
(d) Simon G. Warren.

5. How many Smokejumpers have died from fire since the Mann Gulch fire?
(a) Five.
(b) Two.
(c) None.
(d) Ten.

6. How did Maclean compare the death of his wife and the death of the Smokejumpers?
(a) Peace in knowing Heaven was next.
(b) Pain and sadness gasping for air.
(c) Courage stuggling for oxygen.
(d) Loneliness and pain in the last breath.

7. What did the blowup and its fire rising out of Mann Gulch look like?
(a) An atomic explosion as seen on television.
(b) An atomic explosion in a laboratory in Arizona.
(c) An atomic explosion in Nevada on its way to Utah.
(d) An atomic explosion in Montana on its way to Nebraska.

8. Why did Maclean write what he called his "fire report?"
(a) To appease Robinson, Laird, Sallee and Rumsey.
(b) To enlarge his knowledge and accompany the men whose lives he might have lived.
(c) To prove to Henry Thol, Sr. that the death of his son was no one's fault.
(d) To find the answer to the mystery of the fire.

9. Who was the first man to crawl through the crevice at the reef during their escape from the fire?
(a) Hellman.
(b) Diettert.
(c) Sallee.
(d) Rumsey.

10. What was the name of the doctor who went in with the rescue crew the night of the fire?
(a) Dr. Hawkins.
(b) Dr. Jansson.
(c) Dr. Thomas.
(d) Dr. Williams.

11. What effect did Dodge's escape fire have on the Mann Gulch fire, according to Maclean?
(a) The escape fire made the Mann Gulch fire a blow up.
(b) The escape fire leaves the Mann Gulch fire a mystery.
(c) The escape fire leaves the Mann Gulch fire a scientific impossibility.
(d) The escape fire would have stopped the Mann Gulch fire.

12. What began to happen at Mann Gulch forty years later?
(a) Small trees had begun to grow along the gulches on the hillside.
(b) Small animals had begun to return to the hillside.
(c) Small bushes had replaced scarred land along the hillside.
(d) Small brush fires had begun to erupt along the ridge.

13. Who did Maclean meet who finally makes the connection for him to Robert Sallee?
(a) A registrar.
(b) A policeman.
(c) A French-Canadian nurse.
(d) A personnel director.

14. What words are in the Common Book of Prayer that beg to not die of sudden death?
(a) "Good Lord, be my shepherd."
(b) "Good Lord, help us."
(c) "Good Lord, watch over us."
(d) "Good Lord, deliver us."

15. What did Maclean believe were the final cries of the men who died on the ridge?
(a) Ones of self-compassion.
(b) Ones of disbelief.
(c) Ones of self-pity.
(d) Ones of rage.

Short Answer Questions

1. What well-known magazine had a lead article entitled "Smokejumpers Suffer Ordeal by Fire?"

2. What does "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani" mean?

3. What feeling did the Smokejumpers share with all other youth their age?

4. Who was Arthur P. Brackebush?

5. What happened to the Smokejumpers once they left Dodge and his escape fire?

(see the answer keys)

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