You Can't Take It with You Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

You Can't Take It with You Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What scares Mr. Henderson out of the apartment without another word?
(a) The explosion.
(b) The flood that is now coming into the living room.
(c) Grandpa yelling at him.
(d) The shaking of the floor from the earthquake.

2. For what can Grandpa see no need?
(a) Acquiring a job that he does not want.
(b) His money to be put to something that he cannot see.
(c) His money to be spent by the police force.
(d) His participation in jury duty.

3. Why does Alice tell Tony she cannot marry him?
(a) She is already married.
(b) She no longer loves him.
(c) Her family does not approve of him.
(d) He can never understand her family.

4. Why does Alice say about everything in the world?
(a) It is dirty.
(b) It is sad.
(c) It is beautiful.
(d) It is disgusting.

5. What has Grandpa never done?
(a) Paid any income taxes.
(b) Worked.
(c) Participated in jury duty.
(d) Paid parking tickets.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Tony's comment about family dynamics foreshadow?

2. Why is Essie Carmichael making candy?

3. From what type of family does Alice come?

4. What is Mr. Henderson's job?

5. How might Alice feel about being interrupted by her family members?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the outcome of Grandpa's tax evasion? What might be the response of audience members?

2. What does Alice say to Tony, regarding their relationship? Why does she say this? What assumptions is she making?

3. Who is Essie Carmichael? What is she doing in this scene? How does she fit seamlessly into the Sycamore family?

4. How does Mr. Kirby respond to Grandpa's philosophy? How do the Kirbys and Sycamores begin to become one cohesive family?

5. Describe Grandpa Vanderhof. From where is he returning? What does he enjoy about this activity?

6. Why does Tony accept Alice's family?

7. What might Tony's words "every couple has challenges with family dynamics" foreshadow?

8. What does Grandpa persuade Alice to do? How is he able to do this?

9. How might Alice feel after she and Tony part for the night?

10. How does Essie respond to Ed's uncertainty? What does this say about Essie's character?

(see the answer keys)

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