You Can't Take It with You Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

You Can't Take It with You Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do not provide long-term satisfaction?
(a) Good jobs in firms.
(b) Empty goals.
(c) Authority positions.
(d) Government positions.

2. What is Alice happily doing?
(a) Reading the script with Gay Wellington.
(b) Talking to Tony on the telephone.
(c) Cleaning the house for the next night's dinner.
(d) Giving instructions to family members about their roles in tomorrow night's dinner.

3. What happens to all thirteen people of the household, including the Kirbys?
(a) They are imprisoned with five-year sentences.
(b) They are fined for the illegal production of firearms.
(c) They are put under house arrest.
(d) They receive suspended sentences for their alleged contributions in making fireworks without a permit.

4. What does Donald read in the next day's paper?
(a) A story about an explosion in town.
(b) A story about the decrease in the unemployment rate.
(c) His horoscope.
(d) A story about last night's arrest.

5. To what does Tony admit?
(a) Wishing he had never met the Sycamores or Alice.
(b) Setting off the fireworks in the basement.
(c) Purposely having brought his parents to the Sycamore house on the wrong night for dinner.
(d) He never wanted to invite his family over to the Sycamore's home.

6. What does Olga offer to do?
(a) Make blintzes for the dinner.
(b) Give Essie lessons for free.
(c) Perform for the family.
(d) Give ballet lessons to the entire family.

7. What does Ed need to do?
(a) Make dinner.
(b) Help with the painting project.
(c) Make his candy deliveries.
(d) Work on fireworks.

8. What is contrasting about the guest(s) and the Sycamores?
(a) Tony is nervous, while the Sycamores are relaxed and amiable.
(b) Gay Wellington is stumbling around the room, while the Sycamores are quietly working on individual projects.
(c) Mr. Henderson is very angry, while the Sycamores are cheerful and pleasant.
(d) The formal dress of Mr. and Mrs. Kirby starkly contrasts with the Sycamores and their houseguests.

9. Why does Tony want to leave the firm?
(a) He does not like working in New York City.
(b) He wants to work for a firm that will pay him more.
(c) To pursue work that will make him happy.
(d) He is tired of working with his father.

10. How does Alice feel about last night's events?
(a) Happy.
(b) Angry.
(c) Completely destroyed.
(d) Refreshed.

11. What does the word game reveal?
(a) The Kirby's excitement about being at the Sycamore's home.
(b) The Kirbys' hidden emotions.
(c) The Kirbys' happiness about Tony's engagement to Alice.
(d) How happy Alice is to have the Kirbys at her home.

12. Why is the visit unexpected?
(a) Grandpa thought he had chased him away for good.
(b) He was supposed to work late.
(c) They have come one night too early for their dinner invitation.
(d) She had forgotten her gin bottle in the living room.

13. Why will Tony not leave?
(a) He loves the Sycamores more than his own family.
(b) He does not want to go to prison.
(c) He will not leave without speaking to Alice.
(d) He paid his taxes on time.

14. What does Tony hope?
(a) The Kirbys will realize what has been missing from their own lives.
(b) The kirbys will forgive him for getting himself into trouble with the law.
(c) The Kirbys will someday learn to love Alice.
(d) The Kirbys will allow the marriage to take place.

15. To what does the family sit down?
(a) Lunch.
(b) A performance by Essie, Ed, Mr. DePinna, and Paul.
(c) A performance by Essie.
(d) Dinner.

Short Answer Questions

1. When had Penny begun this for Mr. DePinna?

2. What happens to Mrs. Kirby?

3. What has Grand Duchess Olga done for the family?

4. What has Paul Sycamore brought upstairs?

5. To what can this squelching lead?

(see the answer keys)

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