You Should See Me in a Crown Test | Final Test - Medium

Leah Johnson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

You Should See Me in a Crown Test | Final Test - Medium

Leah Johnson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Liz do when Jordan asks if she is okay after she and Mack fight at his party?
(a) She runs after Mack.
(b) She says she is fine and goes back inside.
(c) She pukes.
(d) She tells Jordan to leave her alone.

2. Who drives Liz to the hospital in Chapter 33?
(a) Gabi.
(b) Kurt.
(c) Jordan.
(d) Amanda.

3. What does Rachel post in the Commons to sabotage Liz?
(a) A picture of Liz's house.
(b) An image of Liz and Jordan snuggling.
(c) A picture of Liz kissing Mack.
(d) A poster that says Liz is Queen of the Queers.

4. What band T-Shirt does Mack's father wear when Liz goes to her house in Chapter 24?
(a) Joy Division.
(b) Nirvana.
(c) Rolling Stones.
(d) Beatles.

5. What does Mack tell Liz she did as they enter the side door at the Kittredge concert?
(a) She briefly dated Teela Conrad.
(b) She tagged along on their MidWest tour.
(c) She played drums for them when their drummer got sick.
(d) She designed their concert posters.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Teela Conrad tell Liz she heard about her from Mack?

2. What does Gabi say is "some of [her] best work" (200) as she and Liz arrive at Jordan's party?

3. What do Liz, Mack, and Liz's friends do before prom?

4. What does Principal Wilson threaten to do to Liz, but she knows the rules so well she knows he cannot?

5. What does a cheerleader say was "so romantic" (204) when Liz sits with a group of popular kids at Jordan's party?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens when Mack approaches Liz in the cafeteria where she sits with Gabi and her other friends?

2. How does Jordan help Liz after she vomits at his party?

3. Why does Jordan give Liz a bottle of water when she arrives at his party in Chapter 25?

4. Who wins prom king and queen? What does Madame Simone say to the queen?

5. Why are the prom court contestants wearing "bloodied and borrowed attire" (237) in Chapter 29?

6. What do Mack and Liz discuss when Liz sees Mack skateboard by the music shop when she is working in Chapter 30?

7. What does Mack say about running for prom queen when she and Liz stop in a field after school in Chapter 23? What does Liz ask Mack at the end of the chapter?

8. What does Teela Conrad do during the concert?

9. How does Gabi help Liz when she finds herself in the Principal's office in Chapter 31 for the second time?

10. What does Gabi suggest Liz do to improve her rankings in Chapter 24 when she says Rachel is number 1, while Liz is still number 9?

(see the answer keys)

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