You Should See Me in a Crown Test | Final Test - Easy

Leah Johnson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

You Should See Me in a Crown Test | Final Test - Easy

Leah Johnson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Gabi admonish Liz for in the cafeteria at the start of Chapter 24?
(a) Spending too much time with Jordan.
(b) Not wearing the clothes she gave her.
(c) Missing their strategy session.
(d) Kissing Mack the night before.

2. Why did Robbie end up in the hospital?
(a) He got the flu.
(b) He broke his ankle.
(c) He got a concussion playing football.
(d) He stopped taking his meds.

3. What mode of transportation does Britt suggest they take to prom?
(a) Their bicycles.
(b) A limo.
(c) A horse and buggy.
(d) Her Prius.

4. What band T-Shirt does Mack's father wear when Liz goes to her house in Chapter 24?
(a) Rolling Stones.
(b) Nirvana.
(c) Beatles.
(d) Joy Division.

5. What was Jordan's father's occupation at one time?
(a) NBA shooting guard.
(b) MLB shortstop.
(c) NFL linebacker.
(d) NHL player.

6. Where does Jordan take Liz the morning after his party?
(a) Steak-N-Shake.
(b) Taco Bell.
(c) Sonic.
(d) McDonalds.

7. What does Jordan tell Liz Campbell does to good people after she tells him about her relationship with Mack?
(a) It makes them turn evil.
(b) It values them.
(c) It needs them.
(d) It ruins them.

8. Why does Gabi say she created the #ReplacementEmme hashtag?
(a) So nobody would suspect Liz was dating Mack.
(b) To sabotage Liz.
(c) Because she thought it was funny.
(d) Jordan told her to do it.

9. Who does Jordan give his crown to after being crowned king?
(a) Mr. K.
(b) Mack.
(c) Emme.
(d) Gabi.

10. Who does Liz suspect may have shed a tear when she and Mack were getting their pictures taken at her house on prom night?
(a) Grandad.
(b) Robbie.
(c) Granny.
(d) Mack.

11. What hashtag does Jordan tell Liz is trending when he visits her at the hospital?
(a) #Lighty4Life.
(b) #MightyLighty.
(c) #EffYourFairyTale.
(d) #LizRulesRachelDrools.

12. What does Davey Mack call Mack when she and Liz arrive at the concert venue?
(a) Little sis.
(b) Baby coz.
(c) Mack the Knife.
(d) Sweetie pie.

13. Where does Rachel Collins say Emme has been when she sees her at prom?
(a) A homeless shelter.
(b) Rehab.
(c) A psychiatric hospital.
(d) Juvenile detention.

14. What does Gabi say about Jordan in middle school, which Liz does not recall?
(a) He was a nerd.
(b) He had a crush on Gabi.
(c) He was always mean to Liz.
(d) He had a crush on Liz.

15. What does Mack tell Liz she had come to tell her in the cafeteria earlier in the day when Liz told her she should not be there?
(a) She quit prom campaign.
(b) She was moving back to Chicago.
(c) She got tickets to another Kittredge show.
(d) Her aunt died.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mack say in the video Rachel posted to CC in Chapter 31?

2. How did Granny learn Liz's secret?

3. What does Madame Simone say she does not want Liz to lose that chance at in Chapter 28?

4. What does Jordan tell Liz he did after he was mean to her in the hallway freshmen year, which she never knew about?

5. What does a cheerleader say was "so romantic" (204) when Liz sits with a group of popular kids at Jordan's party?

(see the answer keys)

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