You Only Live Twice Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

You Only Live Twice Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Bond say Tiger philosophized about the previous night?
(a) Literature
(b) Australian culture
(c) The world's affairs
(d) Love

2. What drink does Dikko order at the Bamboo Bar?
(a) A double brandy and ginger ale
(b) A double vodka and cold green tea
(c) A Long Island Ice Tea
(d) A gin and tonic

3. What does Tiger say Bond would have been singled out as a day before?
(a) A killer
(b) A foreigner
(c) A spy
(d) A pervert

4. What does Bond say he sees all around him?
(a) Silence
(b) Angry men
(c) Old women
(d) Attractive girls

5. What is the foreigners title?
(a) Sir
(b) Doctor
(c) Professor
(d) Lord

6. Where does Dikko take Bond on his first night?
(a) His hotel
(b) A bar
(c) Headquarters
(d) A restaurant

7. What is a futsukayoi?
(a) A beautiful lady
(b) Hunger pangs
(c) An honorable hangover
(d) A dangerous situation

8. When will Bond retain his 007 number?
(a) When he retires
(b) When he completes his mission
(c) Never
(d) When he arrives in Japan

9. What does Tiger describe western culture as?
(a) Big Macs and Laughter
(b) Scuola di Coca-Cola
(c) Fake
(d) A sewage systen

10. What did the young man from Tokyo fail to do?
(a) Become a baseball star
(b) Save his money
(c) Marry the woman of his choice
(d) Get into the college of his choice

11. What kind of passport does Tanner set Bond up with?
(a) Australian
(b) American
(c) South Korean
(d) Chinese

12. What does a man spy Bond and Dikko through?
(a) A peep hole
(b) Binoculars
(c) A window
(d) A telescope

13. Who does Tiger want Bond to kill?
(a) Emmy Shatterland
(b) The Japanese primeminister
(c) Dr. Shatterhand
(d) Dikko

14. What does Bond throw on the first hand?
(a) Stone
(b) Paper
(c) Fire
(d) Scissors

15. Why do the government not prosecute the doctor?
(a) He controls the government
(b) He is too rich
(c) He is providing a service
(d) He is a foreigner

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the hotel Bond stays in?

2. Where did the doctor recruit staff from?

3. Which country are planning to test fire nuclear weapons?

4. What is a ronin?

5. What does Bond witness at Tiger's training school?

(see the answer keys)

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