You Learn by Living Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

You Learn by Living Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Ms. Roosevelt say is more important than experience, especially in children?
(a) imagination
(b) stamina
(c) a good heart
(d) an open mind

2. What do the people want to learn from Eleanor Roosevelt?
(a) The people want to learn how to life a bold life
(b) The people want to learn what it is like to be political and diplomatic
(c) The people want to learn what Eleanor Roosevelt has learned in her own lifetime.
(d) The people want to learn how to be Presidential

3. What is the question that children most ask?
(a) how?
(b) where?
(c) when?
(d) why?

4. Who is the author of "You Learn By Living"?
(a) Laura Roosevelt
(b) Teddy Roosevelt
(c) Franklin Delano Roosevelt
(d) Eleanor Roosevelt

5. What is essentially easier and more exhilarating than fear?
(a) tenacity
(b) courage
(c) success
(d) perseverance

6. What example does Eleanor Roosevelt use as a way to describe how to accept others?
(a) husbands not willing to cook and clean
(b) husbands forgetting to clean up after themselves
(c) husbands not helping with raising children
(d) husbands forgetting birthdays and anniversaries

7. What kinds of experience must people learn from?
(a) all of their experiences
(b) marital and family experiences
(c) professional experiences
(d) personal experiences

8. What does Eleanor Roosevelt say is the most influential factor in her life?
(a) an avid desire to experience all she could deeply
(b) a desire to be the best
(c) a drive to affect change on a political level
(d) an incessant determination to achieve

9. What conversational game does Ruth Bryan Rohde explain to Eleanor Roosevelt?
(a) the alphabet game
(b) the numbers game
(c) the name game
(d) the game of telephone

10. What instigated the writing of "You Learn By Living"?
(a) a response to the people's despair
(b) a request by the President
(c) a response to criticism
(d) a response to letters

11. What does self-knowledge require?
(a) heroics
(b) humility
(c) inner calm
(d) acceptance

12. According to Eleanor Roosevelt, what might retirement time be used for?
(a) a time to unwind and finally relax
(b) a time to develop oneself yet again
(c) a time to travel and learn
(d) a time to develop new professional skills

13. According to Eleanor Roosevelt, what is self-knowledge mainly about?
(a) learning one's desires
(b) learning one's fears
(c) learning one's inner strengths
(d) learning one's weaknesses

14. What is Eleanor Roosevelt's aunt, Mrs. Cowles, more unique than most adults?
(a) she listens
(b) she's sure of herself
(c) she's deaf
(d) she's privleged

15. What do most of the people who admire Eleanor Roosevelt want to know about her life?
(a) how see fell in love and married
(b) how she was able to stay strong through hard times
(c) how she planned her career
(d) how she became the First Lady

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Eleanor Roosevelt, what is the best way people learn?

2. What is overcoming one's fears considered, if looked at it positively?

3. What are the three environments in which people obtain their education?

4. What must the foreign doctor Eleanor Roosevelt speaks of do upon immigration to the United States?

5. How did Eleanor Roosevelt train her memory as young child?

(see the answer keys)

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