You Can't Say You Can't Play Test | Final Test - Medium

Vivian Paley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

You Can't Say You Can't Play Test | Final Test - Medium

Vivian Paley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who makes a welcome home sign for Raymond's father?
(a) Magpie and Raymond.
(b) Annabella and Alexandra.
(c) Beatrice and Sylvia.
(d) Raymond and his mother.

2. In the beginning of Chapter 3 we find that Paley has decided to do what with her new play rule?
(a) Implement.
(b) Delay.
(c) Toss out.
(d) Change.

3. Who tells Raymond to do bad things on purpose?
(a) Nelson.
(b) Ananbella.
(c) Sylvia.
(d) Beatrice.

4. Who asks to drink some water to save the baby dragon?
(a) An orange fire dragon.
(b) A red scaled dragon.
(c) A yellow tailed dragon.
(d) A blue humped dragon.

5. Who does Raymond distrust when he wants to pretend play?
(a) Annabella.
(b) Annabella and Alexandra.
(c) Beatrice.
(d) Beatrice and Magpie.

Short Answer Questions

1. Once the new rule was in place in Paley's classroom, who became a rule enforcer?

2. Who admits to stealing food, and wants to return it?

3. What does Raymond see in his dreams?

4. What surrounds the mountain as Raymond and his friends climb?

5. Who does the father in Magpie's story want the baby dragon to fight?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who arrives during Raymond's initiated pretend play and what does this person request?

2. In Magpie's story, inspired by Raymond, why is the father sad?

3. How are the dragons encouraged to to explore the world?

4. What happens in Chapter 3, after Magpie tells Raymond he is Raymond's friend?

5. What story does Raymond's father tell?

6. How did Paley respond to her students/ concerns in Chapter 3?

7. Why is Beatrice annoyed after the rescue?

8. What story does Magpie tell at the Corporal's prompting?

9. In Chapter 3, after trying to be nice to other students in his School why does Raymond cry out for Magpie?

10. How was Lisa affected by the imposition of the new rule?

(see the answer keys)

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