Yolonda's Genius Test | Final Test - Medium

Carol Fenner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Yolonda's Genius Test | Final Test - Medium

Carol Fenner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the store agree to do?
(a) Give the harmonica to Andrew for the discount price.
(b) Let Yolanda work off the price of the harmonica and give Andrew music lessons.
(c) Let Andrew work for music lessons.
(d) Let Yolanda work off the rest of the price.

2. Who does Yolanda think would have to be the one to discover Andrew?
(a) A professional musician.
(b) No one; he does not need discovered.
(c) Her Aunt Tiny.
(d) A jazz singer.

3. What does the store owner think of Andrew's playing?
(a) He thinks Andrew is awful.
(b) He thinks Andrew needs some instruction.
(c) He is awestruck.
(d) He thinks Andrew is just blowing through the instrument with no idea of what he is doing.

4. What does Yolanda tell Shirley?
(a) That Yolanda lied about being able to double-dutch.
(b) That Shirley needs to bring two other people with her to turn the rope.
(c) That Yolanda has been told by her doctor she is not allowed to jump rope.
(d) That being friends is a waste of time.

5. What does Stoney Buxton call out to Yolanda?
(a) That he is going to tell the police about her attack.
(b) That she is amazing.
(c) That he will watch her back.
(d) That she is in big trouble now.

Short Answer Questions

1. To whom else does Yolanda want to say goodbye?

2. What does Yolanda realize as she is watching musicians unload their instruments?

3. What horrifies Yolanda about the way Aunt Tiny cuts Yolanda's mother's hair?

4. What does Yolanda do for the first time in months?

5. What does Yolanda do to Romulus Foster?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Yolanda's family's first night with Aunt Tiny.

2. What does Aunt Tiny do for a living, and how does that help Yolanda's family?

3. Why does Yolanda send Shirley away in a cruel manner?

4. Why is Yolanda unable to listen as the concert opens?

5. What happens that gives Yolanda an idea about how to get back stage?

6. Who admires Yolanda standing up to Romulus, and what is Yolanda's response to his admiration?

7. What idea does Momma bring up while they are traveling that disturbs Yolanda?

8. What disturbs Yolanda about how Aunt Tiny fixes Yolanda's mother's hair?

9. How is Andrew responding to the new harmonica and what does Yolanda think will help him?

10. Describe the exchange between Yolanda and Shirley in school concerning the jump rope.

(see the answer keys)

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