Yolonda's Genius Test | Final Test - Medium

Carol Fenner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Yolonda's Genius Test | Final Test - Medium

Carol Fenner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Yolanda find in her search at the park?
(a) Two stage hands.
(b) The performer.
(c) Two security guards.
(d) Good seats.

2. What is Yolanda looking for before the concert begins?
(a) Stoney.
(b) A way to distract her momma and Aunt Tiny.
(c) A way to get Andrew backstage.
(d) Her friend from Chicago.

3. What does Aunt Tiny say about Yolanda's piano playing?
(a) She thinks Yolanda is awful.
(b) She thinks Yolanda has great talent.
(c) Not impressed.
(d) She thinks Yolanda needs to practice more.

4. How is Vic helping Andrew?
(a) By taking Andrew to the museums to teach him to read.
(b) By using music to teach Andrew to read.
(c) By helping Andrew learn to ride a bike.
(d) By getting him music lessons with a well known teacher.

5. What inspires Yolanda for solving her dilemma about talking to a performer?
(a) She encounters a kind, wealthy woman who offers to help her.
(b) Her momma knows the performer and says she will speak to him.
(c) Her Aunt Tiny suggests calling the performer ahead of time.
(d) The backstage manager walks onstage with a small, blond boy.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Andrew play for the store owner?

2. What does Yolanda think might be her reward for bravery?

3. What does Yolanda do at Grant Park?

4. What does Yolanda do for the first time in months?

5. What does Yolanda tell her mother she wants to be?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why doesn't there seem to be any way back stage?

2. Why is Yolanda unable to listen as the concert opens?

3. What "epiphany" does Yolanda have when she is at the park?

4. Who admires Yolanda standing up to Romulus, and what is Yolanda's response to his admiration?

5. What happens when Momma finally notices Andrew's new harmonica?

6. What does Momma want Yolanda to study in college and what are Yolanda's ambitions?

7. What happens when Yolanda and Andrew visit Stellers music store?

8. How do Yolanda and Andrew play in their concert for Aunt Tiny and Yolanda's momma, and how do the two women respond to the performance?

9. Why does Yolanda send Shirley away in a cruel manner?

10. How does Yolanda feel after Shirley leaves and what does she say to her aunt Tiny about Shirley?

(see the answer keys)

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