Yolonda's Genius Test | Final Test - Easy

Carol Fenner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Yolonda's Genius Test | Final Test - Easy

Carol Fenner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Shirley respond?
(a) Shirley tells Yolanda to not come crying to her later.
(b) Shirley says she was coming over to tell Yolanda she does not want to be friends.
(c) Shirley is devastated but keeps her composure.
(d) Shirley calls Yolanda a liar.

2. What inspires Yolanda for solving her dilemma about talking to a performer?
(a) The backstage manager walks onstage with a small, blond boy.
(b) Her Aunt Tiny suggests calling the performer ahead of time.
(c) She encounters a kind, wealthy woman who offers to help her.
(d) Her momma knows the performer and says she will speak to him.

3. What is Yolanda doing when Shirley comes to visit?
(a) Writing an essay for her homework.
(b) Baking a cake.
(c) Trying to figure out how to get Andrew some drums.
(d) Having her hair fixed.

4. What does Yolanda do as the crowd gets rowdy?
(a) Grabs Andrew.
(b) Asks her aunt to please watch Andrew.
(c) Tells her mother she has to go to the bathroom.
(d) Tells Andrew to stick close to his momma.

5. What does the store owner think of Andrew's playing?
(a) He thinks Andrew is just blowing through the instrument with no idea of what he is doing.
(b) He thinks Andrew is awful.
(c) He thinks Andrew needs some instruction.
(d) He is awestruck.

6. Why does Yolanda say Shirley cannot learn to double dutch?
(a) Yolanda is ill and is no longer allowed to jump rope.
(b) Yolanda says her mother has forbidden her to jump rope anymore.
(c) Yolanda has taken a pledge to never reveal how to do it.
(d) Shirley's white and too short.

7. How does Yolanda's mother's hair look?
(a) It has dread locks with beads.
(b) It is just a couple inches long.
(c) It is unbraided and unbeaded.
(d) It is dyed red.

8. Where does Yolanda take Andrew after her encounter with Foster?
(a) Stellars.
(b) Home.
(c) An ice cream parlour.
(d) School.

9. How does Yolanda feel about her current teacher?
(a) She loves her teacher.
(b) She thinks the teacher dislikes her.
(c) She hates her teacher.
(d) She thinks the teacher is prejudiced.

10. For what does Yolanda blame Shirley?
(a) For the attack in the park on Andrew.
(b) For beating up the drug pushers.
(c) For the cake failing to rise.
(d) For making her think about jump roping when she is not allowed to do it.

11. Why does Yolanda have to pull off her scheme without her momma's help?
(a) Her momma dislikes the performer and would not want to meet him.
(b) Her momma would be embarrassed to do what Yolanda is doing.
(c) Her momma has to stay to assist Aunt Tiny.
(d) Her momma would not consider trying to get Andrew back stage.

12. When is Aunt Tiny going to visit?
(a) In several months.
(b) Within days.
(c) Yolanda is not sure.
(d) She had just visited before the story opens.

13. What does Yolanda do when she notices three men looking at her mother in the restaurant?
(a) She points them out to her mother and teases her.
(b) She says they are leaving the restaurant.
(c) She giggles.
(d) She goes over and speaks to them.

14. What is Yolanda looking for before the concert begins?
(a) A way to distract her momma and Aunt Tiny.
(b) Her friend from Chicago.
(c) Stoney.
(d) A way to get Andrew backstage.

15. What does Yolanda realize as she is watching musicians unload their instruments?
(a) That Andrew needs more instruments to play.
(b) That Andrew should be on the stage.
(c) Nothing.
(d) That her momma knows nothing about jazz music.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why doesn't Andrew have any stage fright when he goes to play for the music store owner?

2. What does Yolanda tell Shirley?

3. How does Yolanda feel about Aunt Tiny's proposal?

4. What does Yolanda do for the first time in months?

5. What does Aunt Tiny say about Yolanda's piano playing?

(see the answer keys)

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