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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What does Yolanda do when she notices three men looking at her mother in the restaurant?
(a) She points them out to her mother and teases her.
(b) She giggles.
(c) She says they are leaving the restaurant.
(d) She goes over and speaks to them.
2. What is Yolanda's strongest trait to help her pull off her scheme?
(a) Her shyness.
(b) Her aggressive personality.
(c) Her motivation to help Andrew.
(d) Her colorful personality.
3. What does Yolanda's mother ask about several days after their visit to the music store?
(a) Where Andrew got the new harmonica.
(b) Why Andrew seems suddenly happy again.
(c) Why Yolanda doesn't want to go to the park anymore.
(d) Why Yolanda is so bruised.
4. Where is the concert being held?
(a) Grant Park.
(b) A high school stadium.
(c) The civic center.
(d) The city auditorium.
5. How does Shirley respond to Yolanda's attempt to make up?
(a) Shirley says she is grounded and can't come over.
(b) Shirley smiles and has some chocolate.
(c) Shirley says she already knows all the words.
(d) Shirley tells her she hates cookies.
6. What does Yolanda do in dressing for the concert?
(a) Dresses like a boy so she will be safer sneaking around.
(b) Dresses all in black so she can sneak around.
(c) Tries to look fashionable and wealthy.
(d) Tries to make herself appear young and vulnerable.
7. What does Yolanda's mother ask about Yolanda and her school?
(a) If Yolanda is happy.
(b) When Yolanda's grades will be mailed.
(c) If she feels comfortable there.
(d) If the classes are challenging enough.
8. What does Yolanda suggest to her mother about Andrew?
(a) That Yolanda should be allowed to join the police cadets.
(b) That he would be lost without her at home.
(c) That he needs a special school because he is a genius.
(d) That Andrew is the musician and should live with Aunt Tiny.
9. What does Yolanda lie about to the two women she is talking with at the park?
(a) Being asked to deliver something to the performer.
(b) Being kin to the performer.
(c) Her brother.
(d) Not feeling well.
10. Why does Yolanda steer Andrew away from his aunt and momma?
(a) To take him to the bathroom.
(b) To show him the performers up close.
(c) To get him to an area that is less noisy.
(d) To take him back stage.
11. What does Yolanda say about Andrew's tendency in a large crowd?
(a) That he gets scared.
(b) That he will not be around a large crowd.
(c) That he treats everyone like his best friend.
(d) That he tends to wander off.
12. Why are there security guards around the stage area?
(a) There are no security guards.
(b) They are the performer's bodyguards.
(c) To keep people from going backstage.
(d) There has been a terrorist threat.
13. What does Stoney Buxton call out to Yolanda?
(a) That he will watch her back.
(b) That he is going to tell the police about her attack.
(c) That she is amazing.
(d) That she is in big trouble now.
14. What is Yolanda doing when Shirley comes to visit?
(a) Trying to figure out how to get Andrew some drums.
(b) Baking a cake.
(c) Having her hair fixed.
(d) Writing an essay for her homework.
15. What does the store owner think of Andrew's playing?
(a) He thinks Andrew is just blowing through the instrument with no idea of what he is doing.
(b) He is awestruck.
(c) He thinks Andrew needs some instruction.
(d) He thinks Andrew is awful.
Short Answer Questions
1. What is one question Yolanda asks while she is at the park?
2. What does Yolanda manage to do?
3. How does Yolanda feel about Aunt Tiny's proposal?
4. What does Yolanda tell her mother she wants to be?
5. What does Yolanda fear in front of her Aunt Tiny?
This section contains 713 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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