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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who kicks over the box of ashes upon coming to visit Garfield?
2. During the time Sarita's mother works for the Garcias before sending for Sarita, how many times is Sarita's mother able to visit her?
3. Sarita's biological father is related to the Garcia girls in what manner?
4. In what New York City borough does the Garcia family live?
5. When the narrator of the chapter entitled "The Cousin" states that the Garcia girls had always fled the Dominican Republic prior to what month, which month does she name?
Short Essay Questions
1. In what way does the theme of marginalization arise within the Prologue?
2. What is the significance of the phrase "You are the one who knows" (125) throughout the text?
3. In what way does the theme of appearance versus reality appear within the end of the chapter entitled "The Maid's Daughter"?
4. What secret does the narrator of the Prologue's gloomy sister give to the narrator?
5. For what reason does the Prologue's narrator say that she no longer enjoys reading novels?
6. Why is the narrator of the Prologue upset when she hears her sister Yo on the radio?
7. What action does Mami threaten to take against Yo within the Prologue?
8. What example does the narrator of the Prologue give for the type of details Yo had revealed on the radio show?
9. With which of her four daughters does Mami not get along?
10. Describe the relationship between Yo and Garfield.
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Write a critical essay about Julia Alvarez's novel Yo! while using the critical power theory lens of feminist theory. Use textual evidence to back up your strong, specific claim regarding the novel's treatment of gender roles, the objectification of women, female empowerment, misogyny's role within society, or any other issues related to feminist theory that can be found in the novel.
Essay Topic 2
Explicate the theme of family bonds within Julia Alvarez's novel Yo!. What is Alvarez's message regarding family bonds and how do you know?
Essay Topic 3
Sensory details are used frequently by the author in order to create vivid pictures of each character's progression through the narrative. Choose three scenes in which sensory details are heavily used and discuss how the sensory details used serve Alvarez’s purpose of creating vivid characters.
This section contains 1,045 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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