Yo! Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Yo! Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Lou, what had Yo always said would "break your heart" (183)?
(a) Little moments.
(b) The details.
(c) True love.
(d) Tragic conditions.

2. At what age had Jose first touched a breast in a sexual manner at the request of Dona Teolinda?
(a) 12.
(b) 8.
(c) 16.
(d) 14.

3. Who is the narrator of the chapter entitled "The Best Friend"?
(a) Tammy.
(b) Brett.
(c) Lucinda.
(d) Sarita.

4. What injury is inflicted upon Marie within the chapter entitled "The Landlady"?
(a) A broken nose.
(b) A twisted ankle.
(c) A broken arm.
(d) A black eye.

5. Whom does Dexter meet by the swimming pool at Yo's family's compound?
(a) Carla.
(b) Lucinda.
(c) Sandi.
(d) Sarita.

6. When Lou buys and reads Yo's book, he finds that she has plagiarized a story from whom?
(a) Penny.
(b) Garfield.
(c) Lou.
(d) Lucinda.

7. When the chapter entitled "The Student" eschews linear time, in which direction does it move?
(a) Backward 5 years.
(b) Forward 5 years.
(c) Backward 20 years.
(d) Forward 10 years.

8. For what reason does Lou return to his alma mater within the chapter entitled "The Student"?
(a) To apply for a job.
(b) To speak to Yo.
(c) For a class reunion.
(d) To collect his diploma.

9. To what quality of Jose's had the village boys been referring to with their nickname for him?
(a) His high voice.
(b) His menacing looks.
(c) His dark eyebrows.
(d) His shy manner.

10. The flooding mentioned in the land notice Jose receives is mentioned in relation to what object or event?
(a) A dam.
(b) A hurricane.
(c) A tsunami.
(d) A monsoon.

11. Who states that she only shares her poetry with one other person in the world?
(a) Tammy.
(b) Sarita.
(c) Lucinda.
(d) Yo.

12. Yo teaches which character the basics of reading?
(a) Sarita.
(b) Marie.
(c) Jose.
(d) Juan.

13. Dexter meets which of Yo's family members during his surprise visit to the Dominican Republic?
(a) Fifi.
(b) Sandi.
(c) Carla.
(d) Lucinda.

14. What item of clothing does Lou wish he had removed while he is sitting in the first meeting of Yo's class?
(a) His scarf.
(b) His coat.
(c) His hat.
(d) His sweater.

15. How does Yo meet her future husband Doug?
(a) They join the same support group.
(b) Doug is building houses in the Dominican Republic
(c) Yo is teaching in the Dominican Republic
(d) Doug rents Don Mundin's home.

Short Answer Questions

1. Dexter's and Yo's conflicting attitudes about what element of life causes their break-up?

2. What adjective does Yo use to describe the nature of stories to Lou?

3. What is Tammy's last name?

4. Jose receives a notice from what organization stating that he must soon evacuate the land upon which his house sits?

5. Jose states that working for Yo nets him "more money in a week than he had earned in a" (245) by working his farm?

(see the answer keys)

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