Yo! Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Yo! Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Prologue: "The Sisters"-Part I: "The Cousin".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What object does the son of the Prologue's narrator want to take to school for show and tell?
(a) His mother's newest novel.
(b) His grandmother's newest novel.
(c) His aunt's newest novel.
(d) His uncle's newest novel.

2. The poem that wins the narrator of the chapter entitled "The Cousin" top prize in the literary contest has what title?
(a) Concrete and Roses.
(b) Immigrant's Love Song.
(c) Indeed.
(d) Interstellar Love Song.

3. The narrator of the chapter entitled "The Mother" says that everyone had told her that "the hardest thing coming to this country" (21) would be what?
(a) The racism.
(b) The language.
(c) The winter.
(d) The cost.

4. What adjective do the parents of the narrator of the chapter entitled "The Cousin" use to describe the contents of Yo's diary?
(a) Shameful.
(b) Heinous.
(c) Filthy.
(d) Disgusting.

5. What does Fifi say Mami is going to do after Yo has published her book?
(a) Remove Yo from her will.
(b) Call the police on Yo.
(c) Sue Yo.
(d) Disown Yo.

Short Answer Questions

1. The narrator of the chapter entitled "The Cousin" is revealed late in the chapter to have what first name?

2. The narrator of the chapter entitled "The Cousin" describes herself and her siblings as being what type of cousins in relation to "the Garcia girls" (36)?

3. What object is part of the process discussed in the chapter called "The Mother," which the narrator says she had called "putting on the bear" (24)?

4. For what purpose is the narrator driving downtown at the start of the Prologue?

5. The narrator of the chapter entitled "The Cousin" recalls that in her teens, she had often spent the night under her bed for what reason?

(see the answer key)

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