The Yearling Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Yearling Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Jody respond to the second flutter mill that he builds?
(a) It brings him terror.
(b) It brings him no joy.
(c) It brings him comfort.
(d) It brings him amusement.

2. Which character says, "It grieves me..." to see that Jody is growing up so fast?
(a) Lem Forrester.
(b) Ma Baxter.
(c) Buck Forester.
(d) Penny Baxter.

3. Why doesn't Old Julia follow the yearling tracks that Penny finds in the woods?
(a) Because the Baxters are no longer hunting deer.
(b) Because she can smell bears in the distance.
(c) Because she is getting too old to hunt.
(d) Because they are Flag's tracks.

4. What does Jody make from the bright red Cherokee beans that he finds in the woods?
(a) A collar for Flag.
(b) A rattling musical instrument.
(c) A bean-soup for his family.
(d) A necklace for his mother.

5. Where is Jody meant to get the supplies for the fence around the corn crop?
(a) From the Forrester's yard.
(b) From Mr. Boyle's general store.
(c) From Grandma Hutto's home.
(d) From the scrub.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the Forresters do to the Huttos in retaliation for Oliver's wedding to Twink?

2. How big is the alligator that Penny hunts down by the watering hole and plans to smoke for dog food?

3. As the family makes their way back home after the Christmas celebrations, what emotion best describes the way that Jody feels upon seeing his home again?

4. What is the name of the Baxter family's horse?

5. Who shoots the final shot that kills Flag?

Short Essay Questions

1. According to Penny, why is it necessary to lie to Oliver Hutto about the origins of Grandma Hutto's house fire, and what is Ma Baxter's response to the explanation?

2. Why are all the animals in the woods dying, and what does Jody fear in this realization?

3. How can Jody tell that Flag is beginning to mature into a buck?

4. After Flag dies, how does Jody plan to escape to Boston?

5. Why does Buck Forrester keep the hide of Old Slewfoot, and what is the reaction to his plan?

6. How is Penny injured while he is trying to uproot a tree trunk?

7. What happens to the Baxter family's crops during the seven-day storm?

8. What prompts Jody to change his opinion of Twink?

9. What are Jody's final thoughts at the close of the novel?

10. What plan does Jody concoct to try to save Flag from being shot?

(see the answer keys)

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