The Yearling Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Yearling Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What crop does Penny spend much time planning to plant in early March?
(a) Corn.
(b) Beets.
(c) Sweet potatoes.
(d) Onions.

2. Who does Jody plan to enlist as a partner to save Flag from his fate?
(a) Oliver Hutto.
(b) Ma Baxter.
(c) Buck Forrester.
(d) Grandma Hutto.

3. How big is the alligator that Penny hunts down by the watering hole and plans to smoke for dog food?
(a) Fifteen feet long.
(b) Twelve feet long.
(c) Eight feet long.
(d) Three feet long.

4. Why are the Baxter men called to hunt with the Forresters after they initially declined?
(a) Because the poisoning didn't kill all of the wolves.
(b) Because the wolves retaliated and killed one of the Forrester men.
(c) Because the Forresters weren't able to build traps that could contain the wolves.
(d) Because the wolves are growing in numbers.

5. Who is the only member of the Baxter family to kill one of the invading wolves?
(a) Flag.
(b) Ma Baxter.
(c) Jody.
(d) Old Julia.

Short Answer Questions

1. During their planting for the upcoming harvest, what seed is Jody assigned to replant, a task that he takes his time with?

2. As Flag matures, how does Penny feel about him?

3. In early October, what smell has begun to permeate the Baxter farm?

4. What does Jody whittle for his father's Christmas gift?

5. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as covering the ground in the woods?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are Jody's final thoughts at the close of the novel?

2. What happens to the Baxter family's crops during the seven-day storm?

3. While hunting for the wolves, why do Penny and Lem get into a fight over a buck?

4. Why does Buck Forrester keep the hide of Old Slewfoot, and what is the reaction to his plan?

5. Describe the events directly contributing to Flag's death.

6. What is the response to Oliver Hutto and Twink's return from the steamship?

7. Why are the Baxter and Forrester men glad that Fodder Wing is not alive to prowl the woods with them?

8. How does it happen that Jody kills his first bear?

9. What prompts Jody to change his opinion of Twink?

10. According to Penny, why is it necessary to lie to Oliver Hutto about the origins of Grandma Hutto's house fire, and what is Ma Baxter's response to the explanation?

(see the answer keys)

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