The Yearling Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Yearling Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What animal attacks Penny while he and Jody are searching for the missing farm animals?
(a) A rattlesnake.
(b) Old Slewfoot.
(c) A colony of fire ants.
(d) A badger.

2. After being accused of having Eulalie Boyles as his sweetheart, what does Jody throw at Eulalie Boyles?
(a) A harmonica.
(b) A dime.
(c) A potato.
(d) A rock.

3. On the ferry ride across the river, what does Jody think about?
(a) Oliver's imperfections.
(b) Twink's beauty.
(c) The way his father has changed.
(d) Fodder Wing's animals.

4. What does Jody admit to eating, which he believes has caused his upset stomach?
(a) Half-ripe berries.
(b) Curdled milk.
(c) Poisonous plants.
(d) Undercooked meat.

5. While walking through the woods, what animal does Penny note is stuck in the same place of life as he is?
(a) Bears.
(b) Deer.
(c) Fish.
(d) Eagles.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following words is used to describe the color of Jody's hair?

2. After the encounter with the Spaniard, what type of animal does Jody watch feeding its young?

3. What does Lem Forrester trade to Penny in exchange for the fiest?

4. What is the name of the city where Grandma Hutto lives?

5. What is the name of Grandma Hutto's little white dog?

Short Essay Questions

1. After the fistfight, what does Oliver ask of Jody, and what is Jody's response?

2. When Penny realizes that the hogs are missing, what does he do?

3. What plan does Jody concoct to persuade his parents that he is mature enough to take on the fawn as a pet?

4. After living through the fistfight, what does Jody realize about Oliver Hutto?

5. What happens when Jody eats half-ripe berries from the woods?

6. While Penny and Jody are hunting for Grandma Hutto, a buck is killed. Describe both Jody's and Penny's roles in the buck's death.

7. Why does Penny shoot the doe while out searching for his missing hogs?

8. What do Jody and Mill Wheel discuss while they are out in the woods searching for the fawn?

9. What happens when the Forrester boys wake up, thinking that they hear a "varmint" scratching around their mother's bedpost?

10. How has the Baxter farm changed from the beginning of summer to the end, in August?

(see the answer keys)

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