Year of Wonders Test | Final Test - Medium

Geraldine Brooks
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Year of Wonders Test | Final Test - Medium

Geraldine Brooks
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What deal does Anna make with her father in return for his service digging graves?
(a) Poppy.
(b) Some of her lambs.
(c) Ale.
(d) Her medicinal herbs.

2. Why is Anna crying in the rectory kitchen?
(a) Anna is crying for Elinor's unborn child.
(b) Anna is crying because she is in love with the rector.
(c) Anna is crying for all the dead children.
(d) Anna is crying for her father.

3. Why does Anna throw Elinor and Michael's plates against the wall?
(a) She is envious of Elinor and the rector's relationship.
(b) She is angry with the cook.
(c) They have the plague.
(d) She hears Elinor is dead.

4. Why are the simplest tasks hard for Anna in the days after going into the mine?
(a) Because her father beat her.
(b) Because the cold freezes her limbs.
(c) Because she has the plague.
(d) Because she is sore and bruised from her work in the mine.

5. What is the name of Anna and Mompellion's child?
(a) Anys.
(b) Aphra.
(c) Elinor.
(d) Aisha.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who comes running toward the group in the middle of the Thanksgiving service?

2. What service does Anna's father start up?

3. How does Jane Martin's behavior change from the beginning of the novel?

4. What did the Mowbrays do to their infant to protect it from the plague?

5. What conclusion does Anna come to about the plague after leaving the Mowbrays?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where does Anna hope she will find relief? How does her knowledge of herbs comfort her?

2. What do the rector and Elinor have their only disagreement over? How is Elinor's reaction significant?

3. What makes Anna even angrier as she leaves the Mowbrays'? What conclusion does she consider as a result of this?

4. Why is the rector exhausted during the chapter "Among Those that Go Down to the Pit"? What happens during his sermon?

5. Who does Anna see as she is trying to get water from her well? What new endeavor has he begun?

6. Where does Anna end up at the end of the novel? What does she choose as her life's work?

7. Why doesn't Anna use the letter of introduction the rector wrote for her? What danger lurks for her if she isn't careful?

8. Why does Aphra blame Anna for her husband's death? What does Anna notice about Aphra when they bury him?

9. What do Anna and Elinor do at the Gowdie cottage?

10. What child do Anna and Elinor help? What do they do to help this child?

(see the answer keys)

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