Year of Wonders Test | Final Test - Easy

Geraldine Brooks
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Year of Wonders Test | Final Test - Easy

Geraldine Brooks
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Anna take from the Hadfields to help her sleep?
(a) Valerian.
(b) Poppy.
(c) Chamomile.
(d) Sage tea.

2. What does Elinor say when she is delirious?
(a) "Michael, my love, I'm pregnant."
(b) "Michael, go on without me."
(c) "Michael, how much longer, my love?"
(d) "Michael, save me."

3. What does the presence of the cockerel mean to Anna?
(a) The plague is getting stronger.
(b) The plague is gone.
(c) The world is ending.
(d) Bad news is coming.

4. Who does the rector convince Jakob Merill to leave his house to?
(a) Brand Rigney.
(b) Anna.
(c) Elinor Mompellion.
(d) Anna's father.

5. Where does Aphra spend the night after she is accused?
(a) At the rectory.
(b) In a fertilizer pool.
(c) In the churchyard, chained to a cross.
(d) In the stocks.

6. What is the condition of the Gordon cottage?
(a) It is bare.
(b) It is burning.
(c) It is abandoned.
(d) It is not there.

7. What did the Mowbrays do to their infant to protect it from the plague?
(a) Hung the infant from the ceiling.
(b) Left him out in the cold overnight.
(c) Performed a hex on the baby.
(d) Passed it through a bramble hedge.

8. What new plan does the rector want the townspeople to undertake?
(a) Cut all their hair and burn it.
(b) Burn all their possessions that may carry the plague.
(c) Commit mass suicide.
(d) Burn down all their houses and start again.

9. What happens to the rector during the mass where he is visibly tired?
(a) He coughs up blood.
(b) He faints.
(c) He gets into a fistfight with Anna's father.
(d) He has a heart attack and dies.

10. Who is dragged to the meeting at the Delf dressed in black?
(a) Aphra.
(b) Elinor.
(c) Anna.
(d) Anys.

11. Whose cockerel does Anna see in her yard one morning?
(a) The rector's.
(b) Aphra's.
(c) Elinor's.
(d) Andrew Merrick's.

12. What does Anna do that snaps the rector out of his daze?
(a) Cuts his cheek with a razor.
(b) Throws his food dish at the wall.
(c) Takes Anteros for a ride.
(d) Slaps him across the face.

13. What one topic do the rector and Elinor have a difference about?
(a) Whether it is safe to flee the village.
(b) What to do with Anna now that the plague is over.
(c) Whether the plague has ended or not.
(d) Whether to have children or not.

14. What happens to Elinor at the Thanksgiving service?
(a) She faints.
(b) She is stabbed multiple times.
(c) She has a stroke.
(d) Her throat is slit.

15. What happened to Kate Talbot's husband?
(a) He abandoned his family, afraid of the plague.
(b) Kate burned him when they got into an argument.
(c) He burned his plague sore with a hot iron.
(d) He died in a mining accident.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why do the rector and Josiah get into a fight outside Unwin's house?

2. What does Aphra run at Anna with when Anna bursts in the door?

3. Who comes running toward the group in the middle of the Thanksgiving service?

4. What secret does Elinor reveal about herself to Anna?

5. What is the name of Anna and Mompellion's child?

(see the answer keys)

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