Year of Wonders Multiple Choice Test Questions

Geraldine Brooks
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Year of Wonders Multiple Choice Test Questions

Geraldine Brooks
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Apple Picking Season

1. Why does the carter say the narrator is lucky to get the apples that they did?
(a) Because they were not in season.
(b) Because no one will deliver apples to the rectory.
(c) Because there were so few people to do the picking.
(d) Because apples don't grow near there.

2. What does the narrator do with the apples?
(a) Bites into one.
(b) Slices one very thin and takes it to the rector.
(c) Tramples them for cider.
(d) Makes a pie with them.

3. How long has the rector lived in the village?
(a) Two years.
(b) Three years.
(c) His whole life.
(d) Five years.

4. What is the narrator's name?
(a) Mary.
(b) Anys.
(c) Mel.
(d) Anna.

5. What does Anna feed the horse?
(a) Apples.
(b) Straw.
(c) Hay.
(d) Carrots.

6. Why doesn't Anna scold the stable boy?
(a) She sees that his face is worn and exhausted.
(b) The stable boy is not around.
(c) The stable boy is actually her son.
(d) The stable boy starts crying.

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