Year of the Elephant: A Moroccan Woman's Journey Toward Independence, and Other Stories Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Layla Abu Zayd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Year of the Elephant: A Moroccan Woman's Journey Toward Independence, and Other Stories Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Layla Abu Zayd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Year of the Elephant: A Moroccan Woman's Journey Toward Independence, and Other Stories Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Zahra feel her role was once she married?
(a) To sweep floors.
(b) To go to school.
(c) To get pregnant.
(d) To find a job.

2. Who goes to the prison with Zahra to visit her husband?
(a) Rahamn.
(b) Jules.
(c) Roukia.
(d) Mohamahed.

3. What limb did Faqih loose in Vietnam?
(a) A toe.
(b) A foot.
(c) A leg.
(d) An arm.

4. What can Zahra and her husband not discuss while at the jail?
(a) Politics.
(b) The weather.
(c) Their children.
(d) Their marriage.

5. How does Zahra travel to the prison in Chapter 4?
(a) Walking.
(b) Train.
(c) Bus.
(d) Car.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did Zahra's mother treat her?

2. Why did Zahra's mother-in-law want her son to divorce Zahra?

3. What is scary about the news Zahra receives in Chapter 1 from her husband?

4. How many languages does Abou Zayd know?

5. What was Hajj Ali given after the independence?

Short Essay Questions

1. What was Zahra's experience in Chapter 2 like while living in Casablanca?

2. What was the education crisis Morocco faced in the 1950's?

3. What imagery does the author use in Chapter 1?

4. What did Zahra describe as an oasis and desert and why?

5. What happens to Zahra's husband in Chapter 4? How does she find out?

6. Why does the author of the introduction claim that "Year of the Elephant" is "an event in cross-cultural literary history"?

7. Who is Safia?

8. Why is Zahra distraught at the start of Chapter 1?

9. What is the Year of the Elephant ?

10. Why is the point of view of "Year of the Elephant" important?

(see the answer keys)

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