Y2K Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Y2K Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Astrakhan say is permanently etched into his mind?
(a) Hacking into Joseph's computer.
(b) Meeting Joseph.
(c) Meeting Joanne.
(d) Wriitng his first novel.

2. What kind of photographer is Mapplethorpe?
(a) A war photographer.
(b) A celebrity photographer.
(c) An avante garde photographer.
(d) An absurdist photograph.

3. What reason does Joseph give for being online for an entire weekend?
(a) He was doing research.
(b) He was editing a film.
(c) He was trying to get computer help.
(d) He was hacking.

4. Why does Joseph say he vomited?
(a) He was nervous.
(b) He was ill.
(c) He was freaked out.
(d) He was upset.

5. Where does Astrakhan say he read the story aloud?
(a) A bar.
(b) The classroom.
(c) A cafe.
(d) The mall.

6. What does Astrakhan refer to throughout his speech in scene four?
(a) His memory.
(b) His honesty.
(c) His humor.
(d) His parents.

7. Where does Joseph say he spent the day?
(a) Emma's house.
(b) The college.
(c) The attourney's office.
(d) The amusement park.

8. Who does Astakhan say he was thinking about when Joseph was talking to him?
(a) Joseph.
(b) Joanne.
(c) Slake.
(d) Emma.

9. Why did Astrakhan force Joanne to have sex with him?
(a) To make her feel better.
(b) To remind her she has an obligation to him.
(c) To prove their affair wasn't over.
(d) To make her feel bad.

10. When does Astrakhan say the fun begins for hackers?
(a) When they they contact the user.
(b) When they discover the passwords.
(c) When they plant a virus.
(d) When they transfer a users money to their own account.

11. What is on the piece of paper Slake hands Joseph?
(a) Photographs.
(b) Data.
(c) A timetable.
(d) Telephone numbers.

12. Where does part five take place?
(a) Joseph and Joanne's bedroom.
(b) Joseph and Joanne's living room.
(c) Astrakhan's studio.
(d) Astrakhan's bedroom.

13. What city did Robert Mapplethorpe produce most of his work?
(a) Paris.
(b) Berlin.
(c) London.
(d) New York.

14. What does Astrakhan say he discovered?
(a) Joseph's weakness.
(b) Joanne's secret.
(c) Joanne's weakness.
(d) Joseph's secret.

15. What does Joanne ask Astrakhan to steal for her?
(a) Shoes.
(b) A computer.
(c) Books.
(d) Gloves.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Joanne run off to do when Joseph says dinner is ready?

2. How do Slake and McAlvane know Joseph is online six hours at a time?

3. Who else does McAlvane claim has been pretending to them?

4. What does Astrakhan say he cannot remember?

5. What does Astrakhan talk about at dinner?

(see the answer keys)

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