Y2K Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Y2K Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Astrakhan claim always lied?
(a) His mother.
(b) His wife.
(c) His father.
(d) His brother.

2. What does Joseph tell Astrakhan he loved?
(a) Astrakhan's photgraphs.
(b) Astakhan's jokes.
(c) Astrakhan's film.
(d) Astrakhan's story.

3. What does Joanne tell Astrakhan he has ahead of him?
(a) Tragedy.
(b) Success.
(c) Unhappiness.
(d) Pleasure.

4. What does Astrakhan refer to throughout his speech in scene four?
(a) His parents.
(b) His honesty.
(c) His humor.
(d) His memory.

5. What reason does Joseph give for being online for an entire weekend?
(a) He was hacking.
(b) He was editing a film.
(c) He was doing research.
(d) He was trying to get computer help.

6. What does Joanne say she loves about Astrakhan?
(a) His mouth.
(b) His accent.
(c) His laugh.
(d) His hair.

7. What is on the piece of paper Slake hands Joseph?
(a) Data.
(b) Photographs.
(c) Telephone numbers.
(d) A timetable.

8. Where does Astrakhan catch a glimpse of Joanne naked?
(a) The library.
(b) The bathroom.
(c) The games room.
(d) The bedroom.

9. What do sniffer programs give hackers information about?
(a) Telephone numbers.
(b) Usernames.
(c) Passwords.
(d) Account numbers.

10. What does Joseph say he mostly uses his computer for?
(a) Research.
(b) Emails.
(c) Surfing.
(d) Skyping.

11. Where does act four take place?
(a) Joanne's office.
(b) Astrakhan's apartment.
(c) Slake's office.
(d) Joseph's apartment.

12. What is the name of the program Astrakhan talks about?
(a) Peepers.
(b) Slivers.
(c) Sliders.
(d) Sniffers.

13. What does Astrakhan claim computer companies deliberately leave open?
(a) Bank accounts.
(b) Bungholes.
(c) Entranceways.
(d) Security sytems.

14. Where does Joanne say the bathroom is?
(a) The otherside of the hall.
(b) Off the kitchen.
(c) Downstairs.
(d) Next door.

15. Who did Astrakahn start an affair with soon after starting his writing class?
(a) Joseph.
(b) Emma.
(c) Joanne.
(d) Francis.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Astrakhan say computer companies leave entrance ways open?

2. Where does Astrakhan say he read the story aloud?

3. Where did Astrakhan go immediately after quitting school?

4. What does Astrakhan say he cannot remember?

5. How does Astrakhan describe Joanne's dress?

(see the answer keys)

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