Xenocide Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Xenocide Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Ender come to find out about Jane?
(a) That he would be lost without her, more than he is without his wife
(b) That Jane is the closest thing to a best friend he's ever had
(c) That her philote ends in him
(d) That she is extremely sexy

2. What do they ask for when they get there?
(a) That their mother can find the peace Quim had found
(b) That Warmaker be burned as well as his forest
(c) That piggies, buggers and humans can work things out peacefully
(d) That the xenobiologists find a way to kill all the piggies

3. What are two things that Han does in this chapter that he would never do normally?
(a) He admits he is a lesser man for believing the blasphemy
(b) He does his purification ritual in front of other people and strikes Qing-Jao
(c) He does his purification ritual in front of other people and strikes Wang-mu
(d) He locks Qing-jao in her room and denies her food

4. What does Miro learn of the piggies' plans?
(a) They are leaving the planet sooner than anticipated
(b) They are going to burn down Warmaker's forest
(c) They are deeply saddened by the humans' loss
(d) They are building up forces to retaliate against the humans

5. What does the bishop do to Miro?
(a) Baptizes him
(b) Crucifies him
(c) Makes him confess his sins
(d) Makes him go to communion

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is the first place the virus is released?

2. Why does Ender not immediately embrace Novinha's newfound religion?

3. Why does Jane believe that Han and Wang-mu can solve the idea of traveling faster than light?

4. What is Han-Fei-tsu determined to release?

5. Where do Ela and Quara go to after they leave Novinha?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are the effects of the modified descolada virus on the people of Path?

2. What troubles Ender about his children?

3. What does Qing-jao do when Jane reveals herself as Han's namesake?

4. What is Grego doing?

5. What is this new Peter's goal?

6. What has Han-Fei-tsu discovered?

7. What makes Quim so confident of his safety around the piggies?

8. What happens to Qing-jao?

9. What is ironic about Han's relationship with his daughter in this chapter?

10. How does Han react to his daughter's dismissal of Wang-mu?

(see the answer keys)

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