Xenocide Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Xenocide Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens to Quim?
(a) His breath is knocked out from the weight of the leaves
(b) He survives for seven days and dies from the virus
(c) He goes home and his mother is choked; he's all sticky
(d) He gets knocked unconscious

2. What does Novinha then accuse Ender of?
(a) Being a liar and a professional thief
(b) He is a professional meddler and steals her children away from her
(c) Rape
(d) Being an insensitive jerk

3. What does Warmaker do to Quim?
(a) Seizes him and denies him his immunizing food
(b) Covers him in a pile of leaves
(c) Beats him over the head with his branches
(d) Drips sap all over him

4. Who announces how the testing will go for faster-than-light speed travel?
(a) Jane
(b) Ender
(c) Quara
(d) Miro

5. Why is Novinha mad at Ender?
(a) She blames him for Quim's death
(b) She heard he helped set up the mothertree
(c) He wants to help the piggies
(d) He was talking to Jane

6. What does she find when she gets up to investigate?
(a) Someone is using the bathroom
(b) A man is looming over Qing-jao
(c) The computer has found out who Demosthenes is
(d) The window is open

7. Who tries to reason with Qing-jao about the gods?
(a) Ender
(b) Han-Fei-tsu
(c) Jane
(d) Wang-mu

8. What does the virus prevent?
(a) The ability of the skin to retain moisture
(b) Genetic mutation and, therefore, evolution
(c) The emulsifying agents in soap
(d) The development of mould

9. Where is the emergency meeting held?
(a) On Lusitania in Mayor Kuvano's office
(b) On Erros in Jane's mainframe
(c) In Texas, in Peter's office
(d) On Path in Qing-jao's garden

10. What causes Novinha to throw out Miro?
(a) Miro making a smart remark at Quim's passing
(b) Miro calling her a bad mother
(c) Miro saying that she doesn't know her own son
(d) Miro talking to Jane about Quim's death

11. To who does Ender compare Qing-Jao?
(a) The pequeninos that disdained Warmaker for his actions
(b) The pequeninos that let Quim die
(c) Quim
(d) Warmaker

12. What does Miro learn of the piggies' plans?
(a) They are building up forces to retaliate against the humans
(b) They are going to burn down Warmaker's forest
(c) They are leaving the planet sooner than anticipated
(d) They are deeply saddened by the humans' loss

13. Ender recreates Peter. What are Peter's ambitions now?
(a) To kill the buggers
(b) To kill Ender
(c) To seduce Novinha
(d) To take over Starways Congress

14. Qing-jao believes the silence of the gods is a _________________.
(a) Test
(b) Punishment
(c) Sign of the gods displeasure
(d) Sign of her favor

15. What problem now vexes Ender?
(a) How to get the people of Path to accept the engineered virus
(b) What to do with his recreated children
(c) How to re-educate Miro
(d) How to get the inhabitants of Lusitania off the planet in one trip

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the Godspoken do when they hear Han-Fei-tsu restored the fleet?

2. To who does Quim compare Warmaker?

3. To the priest, what are Ender's children?

4. What is the emergency regarding?

5. Who do they appoint as the God of Path?

(see the answer keys)

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