Wyrd Sisters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Wyrd Sisters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After the play, who invites the women to a pub?
(a) Olwyn.
(b) Felmat.
(c) Fool.
(d) John.

2. What angers the king about witches?
(a) They have cast a spell on him.
(b) They cursed his wife.
(c) They decrease property value.
(d) They don't pay taxes.

3. What does the ghost king see in the castle's kitchen?
(a) Ghost animals.
(b) Witches.
(c) Bacteria.
(d) Evil elves.

4. Whom does the king ask for advice after the people he sent to Granny's house return?
(a) Ogg.
(b) Felmet.
(c) Fool.
(d) Lady Felmet.

5. What do the witches huddle over in the beginning of the story?
(a) A raven.
(b) A black cat.
(c) The king's body.
(d) A cauldron.

6. Who is the playwright?
(a) Hwel.
(b) Olwyn.
(c) Magrat.
(d) Granny.

7. Who is the forgotten king that the ghost gets to meet?
(a) Felmet.
(b) Lancelot.
(c) Verence.
(d) Champot.

8. What is the ghost king's name?
(a) Goodie.
(b) Felmet.
(c) McDuff.
(d) Verence.

9. What is the weather at the beginning of the story?
(a) Windy.
(b) Humid.
(c) Stormy.
(d) Sunny.

10. Where is the ghost trapped?
(a) In a tree trunk.
(b) In a turtle shell.
(c) In the castle.
(d) In a cat's body.

11. Who stabs the ruffian leader who wants to retrieve the bundled baby?
(a) One of his own comrades.
(b) A warlock hiding in the woods.
(c) The king.
(d) One of the witches.

12. Who tries to explain the art of the theater?
(a) Magrat.
(b) Nanny.
(c) Granny.
(d) Felmet.

13. What makes Granny see images of war and regicide?
(a) Holding the baby.
(b) Lifting a dead man from the coach.
(c) Opening the treasure chest.
(d) Wearing the crown.

14. Who is happy about the king choosing to torture him?
(a) The insane knight.
(b) The court jester.
(c) The tax man.
(d) The fool.

15. What does Nanny go searching for that leads to her being taken prisoner in the castle?
(a) A love potion item.
(b) The fool.
(c) Magrat.
(d) Her cat.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whom does the ghost beg to restore his son to the throne?

2. Who says that magic is something that one should use less, rather than more, as one grows more experienced?

3. What natural disaster strikes the castle?

4. Who becomes a ghost in the beginning of the story?

5. Who is handed a bundled baby?

(see the answer keys)

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