Written on the Body Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Written on the Body Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When the narrator and his or her boss share a bed, why doesn't anything sexual happen between them?
(a) The narrator's boss is angry.
(b) The narrator's boss is drunk.
(c) The narrator is drunk.
(d) The narrator is too emotional.

2. Why is it significant that Louise and the narrator go on vacation?
(a) They learn more about each other.
(b) They build memories.
(c) They learn to truly appreciate each other.
(d) They get married.

3. What type of animal does the narrator adopt?
(a) Cat.
(b) Horse.
(c) Squirrel.
(d) Dog.

4. Which of the following best describes the narrator's opinion of Elgin when he moves away?
(a) Elgin is a vengeful person.
(b) Elgin will do something Louise won't appreciate, but it will be for the best.
(c) Elgin is a good-hearted person who is misunderstood.
(d) Elgin wants the best for Louise.

5. What does the narrator begin to find comfort in while living in the countryside?
(a) Bartending.
(b) Animals.
(c) Cooking.
(d) Books.

6. How does the narrator view Elgin's attempts to get the narrator to move away?
(a) Elgin's pure love.
(b) The best in Elgin's nature.
(c) Elgin's hatred.
(d) Elgin's selfishness.

7. Which character is the symbol of mistrust in the novel?
(a) Elgin.
(b) The narrator.
(c) Louise.
(d) Jacqueline.

8. Why did Elgin end up sending the narrator away?
(a) To have another chance with Louise.
(b) To get revenge.
(c) To hurt Louise physically.
(d) To make sure the narrator was being true to Louise.

9. At whose house do the narrator and Louise carry on an affair?
(a) Jacqueline's.
(b) Elgin's.
(c) The narrator's ex-lover's.
(d) Elgin's parent's.

10. Which of the following proves that Louise has deep love for the narrator?
(a) Louise did not come back to the narrator.
(b) Louise did not go back to Elgin.
(c) Louise did not have an affair with Gail.
(d) Louise stayed in their apartment the whole time the narrator was gone.

11. Where does Elgin want Louise to go for treatment?
(a) Germany.
(b) France.
(c) Switzerland.
(d) United States.

12. How long do Louise and the narrator live together?
(a) Years.
(b) Weeks.
(c) Months.
(d) Days.

13. Which of the following is the narrator afraid of?
(a) Elgin finding out about Louise's affair with the narrator.
(b) Jacqueline hurting Louise and Elgin.
(c) Louise fearing a relationship with the narrator.
(d) Louise treating their relationship like an affair.

14. Which of the following best describes the narrator's ultimate goal?
(a) For Louise to pursue her dreams.
(b) To find fulfillment in work.
(c) For Louise to be healthy and safe.
(d) For Elgin to make Louise happy.

15. What does Elgin tell the narrator when the narrator is looking for Louise?
(a) Louise has died.
(b) Louise is in the hospital.
(c) Louise has run away.
(d) Louise does not want to see him again.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Louise decide to do after the vacation?

2. Which ex-lover seems to effect the narrator the most?

3. Where does the narrator go in an attempt to find comfort in the countryside?

4. Where do Louise and the narrator go together on vacation?

5. Which of the following describes the time Louise and the narrator lived together?

(see the answer keys)

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