Wringer Test | Final Test - Medium

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Wringer Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 168 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Dorothy and Palmer decide to do with Nipper?
(a) Take Nipper to Dorothy's house and hide him.
(b) Take Nipper away from their neighborhood so he will be safe.
(c) Bring Nipper to a veterinarian's office.
(d) Bring Nipper to the zoo.

2. Where do Palmer and his friends go after cake and ice cream?
(a) To find Mrs. LaRue and thank her for the cake.
(b) To find Farquar for The Treatment.
(c) To the mall.
(d) To find Mr. LaRue's rifle.

3. Who does Palmer recognize as wringers, and what do they each do?
(a) Henry who wrings with his older brothers.
(b) Beans who wrings, Mutto who wrings, and Henry who bags the dead pigeons.
(c) Beans, Mutto and Henry who all wring the pigeon's necks.
(d) Beans and Mutto working alone as wringers.

4. What do Dorothy and Palmer finally decide to do with Nipper?
(a) Let Palmer's parents help them make a plan for Nipper.
(b) Dorothy will hide Nipper in her room until the gang leaves Palmer alone.
(c) Release Nipper in the park and leave food for him there.
(d) Dorothy will release him far away while she is on vacation.

5. Where does Palmer go the night of the warning?
(a) To sleep in his parent's bedroom.
(b) To sleep with Nipper behind the living room couch.
(c) To sleep at Dorothy's.
(d) To sleep at his cousin's house.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Palmer notice Mutto was carrying in his pocket on the way home from school?

2. With what does Palmer play in his room alone?

3. What was Palmer fearful the teacher would notice about him?

4. What is Henry's real name?

5. What does Palmer do right before getting The Treatment?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 32, Beans and the gang take Palmer to find Farquar for his birthday Treatment. When Beans demands that Farquar give Palmer the Treatment, he is faced with a bully bigger than himself. How does Beans respond to Farquar? How does Palmer?

2. In Chapter 29, what is Dorothy's solution to Palmer's problem? What does she do, and how does Palmer react?

3. Who does not attend Palmer's tenth birthday party and why? What do the boys want to talk to Mr. LaRue about? How does Mr. LaRue respond?

4. When Palmer attends the pigeon shoot this year, what does he come to realize about his memories of shoots from years passed?

5. What curious thing does Palmer notice at the Titans baseball game? What does it remind him of?

6. What does Palmer find when her gets home to his room, and what does he decide at that moment?

7. Why are Dorothy and Palmer certain they must get Nipper out of town? What other options do they have?

8. When the gang finds out from Palmer what he did in school to deserve an after-school punishment, how do they react? How does Palmer feel? What else does he do in order to stay in school a little longer?

9. When Dorothy realizes all of the things Palmer has done to keep Nipper from harm, she calls him a hero. Why does Dorothy think Palmer is a hero? Does he feel like a hero?

10. Palmer knows a lot about pigeons. What kinds of things does he know about releasing a pigeon so the bird will not be able to return home? How does he use this information with Nipper?

(see the answer keys)

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