Wringer Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

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Wringer Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 168 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 34.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who brings Nipper into the meadow and then into the woods?
(a) They both take him in and leave him.
(b) Neither one, they set him free at the meadow's edge.
(c) Dorothy does since she has the basket.
(d) Palmer does on Dorothy's bike.

2. What new experience does Palmer have when falling asleep after talking to his mother?
(a) He does not fall asleep, worried that his pigeon will peck on him.
(b) He does not sleep alone, his pigeon is sleeping in his room.
(c) He falls asleep and has nightmares about snow.
(d) He falls asleep and dreams about pigeons.

3. What does Palmer ask the boys to check him for when the bird is gone?
(a) Pigeon poop in his hair.
(b) Scratches on his scalp.
(c) Fleas on his head.
(d) A tear to his jacket.

4. What other things does Beans do to try and get a reaction from Dorothy?
(a) Screams, steals her books, throws her papers away.
(b) Make faces, screams, dumps beans on her shoes, takes her hat.
(c) Pushes her, screams, throws her hat away.
(d) Trips her, calls her names, rips up her homework papers.

5. What does Palmer try to convince the gang about the pigeon?
(a) He wants them to think his father is practicing for the shoot.
(b) He wants them to think he has never seen a pigeon.
(c) He wants them to believe it was a crow.
(d) He wants them to believe it did not happen.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the end of the day, why does Palmer feel he can smile?

2. What does Palmer know he should wish but cannot?

3. How does Palmer explain where he was when the gang came to his room the night before?

4. What does Palmer begin to smell on his father when he sits in his dad's lap after the pigeon shoot?

5. In Palmer's dream, what does a pigeon's eye look like?

(see the answer key)

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