The Wrestling Match Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wrestling Match Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Nne Ojo does not want to wake Obi Agiliga until when?
(a) She has made his morning meal.
(b) She understands the situation.
(c) Daylight.
(d) She can accept the situation.

2. The contest coincides with what farm celebration?
(a) The berry festival.
(b) The plantain festival.
(c) The yam festival.
(d) The plum festival.

3. The excitement about the contest between the youths begins to do what as the event coincides with the farm festival?
(a) Disappear.
(b) Build.
(c) Subside.
(d) Settle.

4. What does Josephine plan to make from the fabric she hopes to purchase with some of her plantain profits?
(a) A new dress.
(b) A large banner.
(c) Cerimonial cloths.
(d) Small flags.

5. Why is it one of the boys suggests that Okei obtain the skills and counsel of Obi Agiliga?
(a) To take advantage of all possible assistance.
(b) He successfully competed as a youth.
(c) He is a highly respected elder.
(d) He is an elder who is related to Okei.

6. When the elders of the village hear the girls' story of being unsuccessful at the market, what is their reaction?
(a) They smile, the girls are learning lessons they acquired as youths.
(b) They sigh, the girls will need to try marketing at a different village.
(c) They smile, their plan for the youths is working.
(d) They frown, the girls are learning life's difficult lessons.

7. What does Nne Ojo assure the young men searching for Okei?
(a) Okei and his cousin are looking for the criminal.
(b) Okei and his uncle are looking for the criminal.
(c) Okei and his uncle are on a hunting expedition.
(d) Okei and his friends are looking for the criminal.

8. As Obi Uju retires before usual for an early start on the next day, Kwutelu and who else prepare his sleeping area?
(a) Her younger sister.
(b) His senior wife.
(c) One of his youngest wives.
(d) Her older sister.

9. Okei wakes earlier than the others in the compound following Kwutelu's injury, and he does what?
(a) Searches for Obi Agiliga to talk with him.
(b) Begins the day with his morning studies.
(c) Searches for Nkuka to work out with, but does not find him.
(d) Goes to the stream for his morning conditioning.

10. Kwutelu is engaged to an individual who works for the government in what location?
(a) Ilorin.
(b) Isando.
(c) Idutywa.
(d) Inanda.

11. What is Okei's initial reaction to the idea that he seek Obi Agiliga's assistance?
(a) Resistance.
(b) Surprise.
(c) Agreement.
(d) Complete refusal.

12. What is Okei's reaction to the singing of his praises?
(a) Pleasure.
(b) Distain.
(c) Disregard.
(d) Embarrassment.

13. In this encounter at the stream, Kwutelu also accuses Okei and Nduka of doing what?
(a) Getting drunk.
(b) Attacking women.
(c) Stealing from elders.
(d) Telling lies.

14. In Chapter 9, Josephine and her friends are anxious to get to which market?
(a) Akpei.
(b) Bo.
(c) Kangba.
(d) Moyamba.

15. Why does Obi Agiliga order Nne Ojo to hide Okei where he does from those who will search for him?
(a) He will be safe there.
(b) They will not dare enter there.
(c) They would not think to look there.
(d) It will give him time to assess the situation.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Nne Ojo determines what Okei and his friends are accused of, she promptly goes to the hut where the youths sleep and finds what?

2. Which individual approaches the girls and tells them that they should give their plantains to poor people?

3. Both Obi Agiliga and another elder agree that the situation could be worse if Kwutelu were what?

4. What is Okei's reaction to Obi Agiliga's level of ability following the length of time since his youth?

5. What do Okei and Nduka begin to do in order to build up their strength?

(see the answer keys)

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