The Wrestling Match Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wrestling Match Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The action taken by Kwutelu in approaching Okei and Nduka is for competing against the boys from which location?
(a) Bo.
(b) Kangbe.
(c) Moyamba.
(d) Akpei.

2. Why is it one of the boys suggests that Okei obtain the skills and counsel of Obi Agiliga?
(a) To take advantage of all possible assistance.
(b) He successfully competed as a youth.
(c) He is an elder who is related to Okei.
(d) He is a highly respected elder.

3. Uche informs Okei about Kwutelu's injury and that the the villagers suspected Okei and his friends of committing the crime until when?
(a) Kwutelu stated Okei and his friends were not responsible.
(b) Kwutelu identified Obi Uju as being responsible.
(c) Obi Uju admitted he was responsible.
(d) Obi Agiliga related Okei had been asleep at the time.

4. Why does Okei order Nduka to tell all the boys to begin their preparation?
(a) In the event Okei is beaten or cannot compete.
(b) So they may trade techniques and skills.
(c) To promote a team spirit among the boys.
(d) In case another boy proves a better contestant.

5. Why would Kwutelu like to see Okei and his friends defeated in a match?
(a) Their humility.
(b) Their ambition.
(c) Their arrogance.
(d) Their servility.

6. As Obi Uju retires before usual for an early start on the next day, Kwutelu and who else prepare his sleeping area?
(a) His senior wife.
(b) One of his youngest wives.
(c) Her older sister.
(d) Her younger sister.

7. Nne Ojo does not want to wake Obi Agiliga until when?
(a) She has made his morning meal.
(b) Daylight.
(c) She understands the situation.
(d) She can accept the situation.

8. In Chapter 9, Josephine and her friends are anxious to get to which market?
(a) Bo.
(b) Kangba.
(c) Akpei.
(d) Moyamba.

9. What does Nne Ojo assure the young men searching for Okei?
(a) Okei and his cousin are looking for the criminal.
(b) Okei and his friends are looking for the criminal.
(c) Okei and his uncle are looking for the criminal.
(d) Okei and his uncle are on a hunting expedition.

10. Uche visited Kwutelu the morning following her injury and reports that she will be taken where for treatment?
(a) Out of country.
(b) A neighboring township.
(c) A nearby clinic.
(d) A big hospital.

11. When does a group of singers and dancers arrive at Obi Agiliga's compound to pay tribute to Okei?
(a) The night before the contest.
(b) The day before the contest.
(c) Two nights before the contest.
(d) The night of the contest.

12. What is Okei's reaction to the singing of his praises?
(a) Pleasure.
(b) Disregard.
(c) Distain.
(d) Embarrassment.

13. Nne Ojo can soon make out that Okei and his friends are accused of what?
(a) Maiming someone.
(b) Stealing from the elderly.
(c) Killing someone.
(d) Kidnapping someone.

14. Obi Uju uses a huge knife with the intention of striking Okei in what location so he will only scar and not maim him?
(a) Shoulder.
(b) Arm.
(c) Leg.
(d) Buttocks.

15. At the start of Chapter 5, Okei rises early and goes to the stream so that he may do what?
(a) Bathe in the water before others from the village arrive.
(b) Finish his school reading in the calm at the water's edge.
(c) Toughen up his feet on the incline at the water's edge.
(d) Complete his prayers in the quiet the water's edge offers.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Nne Ojo wakes Obi Agiliga to tell him about the situation Okei and his friends are accused of, what does he promptly do?

2. How do villagers await the girls' on their way home from the market with unsold plantains?

3. In this encounter at the stream, Kwutelu also accuses Okei and Nduka of doing what?

4. What do the pair discuss when Nduka arrives and meets Okei at the stream?

5. Upon watching him demonstrate his skills with Nduka, what do the uneducated youths feel Okei's outcome will be?

(see the answer keys)

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