The World According to Garp Test | Final Test - Medium

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The World According to Garp Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What time of day is it when Garp starts telling Walt a story about a dog and a cat?
(a) It's early in the morning.
(b) It's mid-morning.
(c) It's lunchtime.
(d) It's Walt's bedtime.

2. When Garp goes to Ralph's house to check on Duncan, what does Garp find him doing?
(a) Fighting with Ralph.
(b) Sneaking alcohol with Ralph.
(c) Reading magazines.
(d) Sleeping in the living room.

3. What physical feature does Garp make fun of Michael Milton for?
(a) His hair.
(b) His lips.
(c) His moustache.
(d) His shoes.

4. How does Garp feel about what happens to Duncan in his dream?
(a) Nothing--which makes Garp sad.
(b) Confused.
(c) Guilty.
(d) Angry.

5. What does the cat continue to do to the dog in the story Garp tells Walt?
(a) Tease him.
(b) Talk to him.
(c) Scratch him.
(d) Bring him scraps because he knows he's hungry.

Short Answer Questions

1. During her affair with a student, where do Helen's bruises come from?

2. After Garp enters Mrs. Ralph's house for the first time, what does she ask Garp to do?

3. What is the title of the first essay Ellen James writes that is published?

4. Where does Garp take his sons when he learns of Helen's affair?

5. While Duncan is spending the night with Ralph, Garp has a dream about Duncan. Where are Garp and Duncan in that dream?

(see the answer keys)

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