The World According to Garp Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The World According to Garp Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After the incident in the movie theater, Jenny hypothesizes that all women are on their way to becoming what?
(a) Dead.
(b) A whore or a wife.
(c) A wife.
(d) Pregnant.

2. When the novel begins, what year is it?
(a) 1942.
(b) We never learn what year it is.
(c) 1925.
(d) 1936.

3. What happened to Ernie's wife?
(a) She died in childbirth.
(b) She left him.
(c) He was never married.
(d) She died of cancer.

4. What is the name of Garp's older sister?
(a) Walt.
(b) Garp doesn't have any siblings.
(c) Jameson.
(d) Stewart.

5. When Jenny announces she wants to become pregnant but not have a relationship, what does she receive?
(a) Many offers to be the father from her male colleagues.
(b) Hate mail.
(c) Many baby gifts.
(d) Baby clothes.

6. What is the name of Garp's first important story?
(a) The Grillparzer Pension.
(b) The Pension Grillparzer.
(c) My Time in Vienna.
(d) Jenny, My Mother and Friend.

7. What does Jenny's father do for a living?
(a) He's a shoe magnate.
(b) His family has always had money.
(c) He's a car salesman.
(d) He works in banks.

8. Who is Mrs. Ralph?
(a) Ralph's babysitter.
(b) A nun who lives next door.
(c) Ralph's mother.
(d) Helen's colleague at the college.

9. Who comes to seek out Jenny at Dog's Head Harbor?
(a) People wanting to attend nusing school.
(b) "Lost" women.
(c) People wanting to check out books.
(d) Children in foster care.

10. What is Dog's Head Harbor?
(a) The place where Jenny and Ernie get married.
(b) The name of a private school.
(c) Jenny's family's estate.
(d) A library Jenny inadvertently takes over.

11. What sad figure does Garp come across one day while jogging in the park?
(a) A very young girl who has been raped.
(b) A dead bear.
(c) A dead dog.
(d) A funeral ceremony.

12. What do Garp and Jenny think of Frank Grillparzer?
(a) That he's much nicer in person than they would have thought.
(b) That he is incredibly talented.
(c) That he should be better known in the U.S.
(d) That he is overrated.

13. What are Steering's colors?
(a) Red and blue.
(b) Blue and red.
(c) Gold and red.
(d) Gold and blue.

14. What year is it when Jenny and Garp leave the country after Garp's graduation?
(a) 1951.
(b) 1971.
(c) 1981.
(d) 1961.

15. What is the only word Technical Sergent Garp is able to say when he's admitted to the hospital?
(a) Help.
(b) He can't say anything.
(c) Thank you.
(d) Garp.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who comes to Jenny's rescue after she is assaulted in the movie theater?

2. When she is young, who does Helen say she wants to marry?

3. What book does Mrs. Ralph have in her car when Garp catches her speeding?

4. What does Jenny pay a prostitute for?

5. What is the name of Steering's wrestling coach?

(see the answer keys)

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