The World As I See It Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The World As I See It Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did the O.R.T. society do try to do for the Jewish people?
(a) set up libraries in Palestine.
(b) build synagogues and temples in Palestine.
(c) organize the Jewish youth.
(d) rid the Jews of social and economic handicaps.

2. Which two Gentile writers was Einstein happy to see attend the speech he gave in London?
(a) Bernard Shaw and H.G. Wells.
(b) Henry James and Aldous Huxley.
(c) Somerset Maugham and T.S. Eliot.
(d) Oscar Wilde and Robert Burns.

3. What was one of the most important aims of the Zionist organization?
(a) establish the Jews as the chosen people.
(b) establish a Jewish university in Jerusalem.
(c) establish a Jewish nattional symphone orchestra.
(d) have the new Palestine become famous for progress.

4. What did Einstein feel was one of the noblest features of the French tradition?
(a) the love of life the French exhibit.
(b) the highly developed sense of justice of the French people.
(c) the bravery of the French people.
(d) the honesty of the French people.

5. What had he not wanted done with the written document he gave the International League for combating anti-Semitism?
(a) He had not wanted his name put on it.
(b) He had not wanted it given to the Press.
(c) He had not wanted it used to enlist support.
(d) He had not wanted it used for hate-mongering.

Short Answer Questions

1. What reason did Einstein give for resigning from The Prussian Academy of Sciences?

2. At the beginning of Part III Einstein stated that hoped the principles of what great Germans would again prevail in Germany sometime in the future?

3. What is it that gives the only meaning to the life of an individual?

4. When is a protest against injustice and violence more valuable?

5. The establishment of satisfactory relations between Jews and Arabs was whose responsibility?

Short Essay Questions

1. What was Einstein's view on life?

2. What was Einstein's advice to Jewish youth?

3. What was Einstein's thought on the relations between Jews and Arabs?

4. Give a description of what Einstein felt Palestine would be for the Jews?

5. What was the essence of Judaism according to Einstein?

6. The Prussian Academy of Sciences based its accusation of Einstein's atrocity-mongering on what evidence?

7. Who did Einstein feel saw in the Jews their irreconcilable foes?

8. What did Einstein feel were the greatest enemies of the national consciousness and honor of the Jews?

9. What did the Prussian Academy of Sciences ask Einstein to do?

10. Einstein mentioned something else, another Jewish tradition found in many of the Psalms; what was it?

(see the answer keys)

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