Working on the Edge: Surviving in the World's Most Dangerous Profession: King Crab Fishing on Alaska's High Seas Test | Final Test - Medium

Spike Walker
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Working on the Edge: Surviving in the World's Most Dangerous Profession: King Crab Fishing on Alaska's High Seas Test | Final Test - Medium

Spike Walker
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Working on the Edge: Surviving in the World's Most Dangerous Profession: King Crab Fishing on Alaska's High Seas Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where was Gerald Bourgeois found in Part 2, The Bering Sea Season: King Crab Fishing Aboard the Williwaw Wind: Chapter 9?
(a) An island.
(b) On his ship.
(c) Dead at sea.
(d) On a raft.

2. What was needed to rescue the ship in Part 4, The Deadliest Season: Fishing the Gulf of Alaska Aboard the Elusive and Watching as Tragedy Strikes the Alaskan Fleet: Chapter 4?
(a) A stronger pump.
(b) A patch.
(c) An anchor.
(d) A fire hose.

3. What went out on the Williwaw Wind in Part 2, The Bering Sea Season: King Crab Fishing Aboard the Williwaw Wind: Chapter 9?
(a) The radar.
(b) The power.
(c) The crab lines.
(d) The lights.

4. What was the final price per pound that ended the strike in Part 3, Working on the Edge: Fishing the Aleutian Islands and Points North Aboard the Rondys: Chapter 6?
(a) $1.01.
(b) $2.00.
(c) $.99.
(d) $1.99.

5. What boat had several crab pots become loose on deck from the storm in Part 2, The Bering Sea Season: King Crab Fishing Aboard the Williwaw Wind: Chapter 11?
(a) The St. Patrick.
(b) The Key West.
(c) The Williwaw Wind.
(d) The Epic.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which boat rolled over in the south of Kodiak Island in Part 2, The Bering Sea Season: King Crab Fishing Aboard the Williwaw Wind: Chapter 12?

2. Spike Walker describes how one man attempted to do what to a fellow crewman before jumping overboard in Part 4, The Deadliest Season: Fishing the Gulf of Alaska Aboard the Elusive and Watching as Tragedy Strikes the Alaskan Fleet: Chapter 2?

3. Who dropped into the ocean and managed to make his way to the life raft where other crew members waited in Part 2, The Bering Sea Season: King Crab Fishing Aboard the Williwaw Wind: Chapter 11?

4. How long had the boom years of crabbing in Alaska been going on in Part 4, The Deadliest Season: Fishing the Gulf of Alaska Aboard the Elusive and Watching as Tragedy Strikes the Alaskan Fleet: Chapter 2?

5. How much time had the crew of the Rondys lost from the strike in Part 3, Working on the Edge: Fishing the Aleutian Islands and Points North Aboard the Rondys: Chapter 7?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happened aboard the Key West in Part 2, The Bering Sea Season: King Crab Fishing Aboard the Williwaw Wind: Chapter 11?

2. What news did the crew of the Rondys discover in Part 3, Working on the Edge: Fishing the Aleutian Islands and Points North Aboard the Rondys: Chapter 3?

3. What did Lt. Bob Lockman spend his time doing in Part 3, Working on the Edge: Fishing the Aleutian Islands and Points North Aboard the Rondys: Chapter 5? Why?

4. How does Spike describe the down time of the men in Part 3, Working on the Edge: Fishing the Aleutian Islands and Points North Aboard the Rondys: Chapter 4?

5. In what year is Part 4, The Deadliest Season: Fishing the Gulf of Alaska Aboard the Elusive and Watching as Tragedy Strikes the Alaskan Fleet: Chapter 1 set? What does Spike write about this season?

6. What changes does Spike describe in the fleet in Part 4, The Deadliest Season: Fishing the Gulf of Alaska Aboard the Elusive and Watching as Tragedy Strikes the Alaskan Fleet: Chapter 2?

7. Where did Spike Walker begin working in Part 3, Working on the Edge: Fishing the Aleutian Islands and Points North Aboard the Rondys: Chapter 1? Where was his summer spent?

8. What struck the Williwaw Wind crew in Part 2, The Bering Sea Season: King Crab Fishing Aboard the Williwaw Wind: Chapter 10? How did the men react?

9. Who hired Spike in Part 4, The Deadliest Season: Fishing the Gulf of Alaska Aboard the Elusive and Watching as Tragedy Strikes the Alaskan Fleet: Chapter 3?

10. Where was Spike working when he faced disaster in Part 2, The Bering Sea Season: King Crab Fishing Aboard the Williwaw Wind: Chapter 9?

(see the answer keys)

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