Working on the Edge: Surviving in the World's Most Dangerous Profession: King Crab Fishing on Alaska's High Seas Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Spike Walker
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Working on the Edge: Surviving in the World's Most Dangerous Profession: King Crab Fishing on Alaska's High Seas Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Spike Walker
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was suspected of cutting the wire in Part 2, The Bering Sea Season: King Crab Fishing Aboard the Williwaw Wind: Chapter 8?
(a) Susy.
(b) Lars.
(c) Spike Walker.
(d) Calhoun.

2. Where did the skipper of the Williwaw Wind decide to take his crab to unload in Part 2, The Bering Sea Season: King Crab Fishing Aboard the Williwaw Wind: Chapter 6?
(a) Bering Sea.
(b) Kodiak Island.
(c) Aleutian Island.
(d) Juneau.

3. Who was a college classmate of Spike Walker's?
(a) Mike Jones.
(b) Lars Nelson.
(c) Susy Wagner.
(d) Steve Calhoun.

4. Where did Spike Walker attend college?
(a) Washington State University.
(b) The University of Seattle.
(c) California State University.
(d) Oregon State University.

5. What relative of the skipper died aboard the Jeffrey Allen?
(a) Father.
(b) Uncle.
(c) Brother.
(d) Brother in-law.

Short Answer Questions

1. Working on the Edge: Surviving in the World's Most Dangerous Profession: King Crab Fishing on Alaska's High Seas describes the crabbing seasons between 1976 and when?

2. Where was the Williwaw Wind headed in Part 2, The Bering Sea Season: King Crab Fishing Aboard the Williwaw Wind: Chapter 7?

3. What affliction did Spike Walker suffer in Part 1, The Greenhorn Season: Tanner Crab Fishing Aboard the Royal Quarry: Chapter 3?

4. What was the name of the bar Spike Walker went to in Part 1, The Greenhorn Season: Tanner Crab Fishing Aboard the Royal Quarry: Chapter 5?

5. The Royal Quarry was the only crab boat in Alaska to have what?

Short Essay Questions

1. What job did Spike Walker take on aboard the Williwaw Wind in Part 2, The Bering Sea Season: King Crab Fishing Aboard the Williwaw Wind: Chapter 3?

2. What did Mogoteaux and Channel learn of their crew upon their rescue?

3. What crewman is described aboard the vessel Epic in Part 1, The Greenhorn Season: Tanner Crab Fishing Aboard the Royal Quarry: Chapter 6?

4. What did the crew of the Williwaw Wind discover in Part 2, The Bering Sea Season: King Crab Fishing Aboard the Williwaw Wind: Chapter 5? What was their reaction?

5. How many crab pots were aboard the Williwaw Wind in Part 2, The Bering Sea Season: King Crab Fishing Aboard the Williwaw Wind: Chapter 3? Where did it go to get more?

6. What occurrence began the conflicts between Spike Walker and the crew of the Williwaw Wind?

7. What does Spike Walker warn the reader of in the introductory chapters of the book? Why?

8. What did the Williwaw Wind encounter at St. Paul Harbor in Part 2, The Bering Sea Season: King Crab Fishing Aboard the Williwaw Wind: Chapter 5?

9. Where did the Williwaw Wind head in Part 2, The Bering Sea Season: King Crab Fishing Aboard the Williwaw Wind: Chapter 2? What dangers did it encounter?

10. Where was the Royal Quarry headed in Part 1, The Greenhorn Season: Tanner Crab Fishing Aboard the Royal Quarry: Chapter 5? What did Jonesy say to Spike in this chapter?

(see the answer keys)

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