Word of Honor Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Word of Honor Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. After Tyson's platoon pulled back after being pinned down by enemy fire, where did the platoon meet up with a larger platoon?

2. After his initial interview with the government's investigator, where does Tyson travel to?

3. Where do Tyson's employers tell him that they would like to have him work?

4. Who agrees to represent Ben Tyson at his court martial?

5. What happens when the fight outside the officer's club is broken up?

Short Essay Questions

1. List the three qualifications held by the person selected to lead the Tyson investigation for the government.

2. According to what Tyson confides to Levin during their meeting, how did Tyson come to feel during his time in Vietnam?

3. Describe the situation that Picard shares with Ben Tyson as an example of one of Picard's "bad light" experiences.

4. According to Levin, why will Tyson be held to a higher standard for his actions in Vietnam than others will be?

5. Why does Marcy object to the company's offer to relocate Tyson?

6. When Tyson and Marcy go to the officer's club to have dinner, why is Tyson rude to the person he introduces to Marcy?

7. When Tyson meets with the man who quietly suggests that Tyson leave the country, how does that meeting end?

8. As Tyson and his military attorney talk, describe the military attorney's attitude regarding war stories.

9. Why is Ben Tyson afraid of following the advice given to him by his attorney just after Tyson learns of the book's existence?

10. Ben and Marcy meet with Levin after Levin has read Harper's official report. Based on that report, what does Levin share with Ben and Marcy?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The book is entitled, "Word of Honor". Why did the author choose this title? How does the title foreshadow the events that unfold in the story, the struggles of the main character, and the determination of Ben Tyson to set things right?

Essay Topic 2

Compare and contrast Steven Brandt and Richard Farley.

a. How are the two characters similar? How are they different?

b. Compare the reasons each man had for breaking the code of silence and sharing their stories with Andrew Picard. What did each man have to gain? To lose?

c. How does the decision to come forward affect each character - both positively and negatively?

Essay Topic 3

Discuss the Andrew Picard character at the beginning of the book when his book is first published. What is Picard's motivation for publishing the book? What drives him? Then, discuss this same character when he meets and gets to know Ben Tyson, the subject of the most controversial chapter of Picard's book. What is Picard's motivation then? What is driving him? How do the events in the story change Picard's character? Who is Andrew Picard at the end of the story?

(see the answer keys)

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