Word of Honor Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Word of Honor Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the man who quietly suggests that Tyson should leave the country?
(a) Chet Brown.
(b) Phillip Sloan.
(c) David Tyson.
(d) Russ Berg.

2. Where is the cottage that Tyson rents for the summer located?
(a) Sag Harbor.
(b) Saginaw Island.
(c) Cape Cod.
(d) Hilton Head.

3. Who does the government decide to put in charge of the investigation against Tyson?
(a) Major Berg.
(b) Major Harper.
(c) Major Truscott.
(d) Major Van Arken.

4. As Tyson remembers back to the day of his injury, what did he remember the person attending him writing on his forehead?
(a) NM.
(b) QT.
(c) DNR.
(d) LC.

5. According to the noted military law professor, who must be called into account before lieutenants can be court-martialed?
(a) Ensigns.
(b) Privates.
(c) Generals.
(d) Colonels.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Tyson doing when Major Harper shows up on the military base?

2. When Tyson returns to the cottage in Sag Harbor after visiting Picard, what is his son doing?

3. When Tyson's wife arrives home the day Tyson first learns of the book, what does Tyson's wife find him doing?

4. Who is the aide to the Secretary of Defense?

5. As Tyson remembers back to the day of his injury, who was tending to him?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the situation that Picard shares with Ben Tyson as an example of one of Picard's "bad light" experiences.

2. Why is Ben Tyson afraid of following the advice given to him by his attorney just after Tyson learns of the book's existence?

3. Why was Tyson not reassigned in Vietnam like he was supposed to be?

4. How much money does Tyson's military attorney agree to represent Tyson for?

5. According to Tyson, it was standard practice in Vietnam that an officer had some enemy weapons to turn in with bodies of innocent civilians killed. Why?

6. According to what Tyson confides to Levin during their meeting, how did Tyson come to feel during his time in Vietnam?

7. When being questioned by the government investigator, Tyson realizes that his story is full of holes, but sticks to it anyway. Why?

8. When Tyson and Marcy go to the officer's club to have dinner, why is Tyson rude to the person he introduces to Marcy?

9. List the three qualifications held by the person selected to lead the Tyson investigation for the government.

10. How does the Lieutenant Colonel try to comfort Tyson when Tyson objects to the travel restriction?

(see the answer keys)

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