Word of Honor Test | Final Test - Easy

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Word of Honor Test | Final Test - Easy

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Tyson and Corva arrive for the court martial hearing, Corva sends Tyson into their conference room alone. How many men are waiting in the room for Tyson?
(a) Five.
(b) Four.
(c) Three.
(d) Two.

2. After the guilty verdict is read, who drives Tyson to the post lockup facility?
(a) Karen Harper.
(b) Steven Brandt.
(c) Vincent Corva.
(d) Chet Brown.

3. The night after the hospital massacre, which platoon member next took up the story that the men would all eventually agree to stick to?
(a) Daniel Kelly.
(b) Steven Brandt.
(c) Ben Tyson.
(d) Richard Farley.

4. When Marcy announces that she is going back to work, how close is the court martial?
(a) Two days.
(b) Five days.
(c) One week.
(d) Three weeks.

5. How many of the panelists vote not guilty?
(a) Three.
(b) Two.
(c) Four.
(d) One.

6. When Tyson and Corva arrive for the court martial hearing, Corva sends Tyson into their conference room alone. What reason do the men NOT give for pledging their loyalty to Tyson?
(a) Job.
(b) Public image.
(c) Family.
(d) Money.

7. According to Corva's story about one of his other clients, why did the sharpshooter kill those people?
(a) His watch was fast.
(b) His temper was hot.
(c) His car broke down.
(d) His wife provoked him.

8. When Tyson and Corva arrive for the court martial hearing, Corva sends Tyson into their conference room alone. What excuse does Corva give for sending Tyson in alone?
(a) Corva needs to make a phone call.
(b) Corva needs to retrieve paperwork.
(c) Corva needs to use the rest room.
(d) Corva needs to see the judge.

9. As the trial is about to begin, who is ushered out of his courtroom seat in case he is called as a witness?
(a) Richard Farley.
(b) Daniel Kelly.
(c) Andrew Picard.
(d) Steven Brandt.

10. When one of the panelists questions the trial's first witness, what does the witness admit to doing?
(a) Stabbing several people.
(b) Hitting several people.
(c) Killing several people.
(d) Shooting at several people.

11. As Tyson and Corva enter the room where the hearing is to be held, who asks Tyson to clear up the details surrounding Larry Cane's death?
(a) Vincent Corva.
(b) Daniel Kelly.
(c) Karen Harper.
(d) Andrew Picard.

12. According to Brandt's testimony, who was responsible for shooting Cane through the heart?
(a) A sniper.
(b) A citizen.
(c) Daniel Kelly.
(d) Ben Tyson.

13. Which member of the panel do Tyson and Corva elect to eliminate from the panel?
(a) Colonel Martin.
(b) Colonel Harper.
(c) Colonel Laski.
(d) Colonel Pierce.

14. Who wrote up the commendation for Tyson's Silver Star?
(a) Phillip Sloan.
(b) Steven Brandt.
(c) Daniel Kelly.
(d) Richard Farley.

15. How does Tyson characterize the entire court martial proceedings?
(a) As stressful.
(b) As comical.
(c) As surreal.
(d) As unbelievable.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to what Harper tells Corva, which of the potential witnesses is NOT represented by his own attorney?

2. What is the name of the rabbi who must give up his office for Corva and Tyson?

3. Before entering the hearing room, what does Corva remind Tyson that he doesn't have to do in regards to Gilmer?

4. When Corva first tells Tyson about the witnesses who will testify on Tyson's behalf, what does Corva question about these men?

5. As the hearing is getting underway, what does Corva object to Steven Brandt being referred to as?

(see the answer keys)

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