Wool Omnibus Edition (Wool 1 - 5) (Silo Saga 1) Test | Final Test - Medium

Hugh Howey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Wool Omnibus Edition (Wool 1 - 5) (Silo Saga 1) Test | Final Test - Medium

Hugh Howey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Wool Omnibus Edition (Wool 1 - 5) (Silo Saga 1) Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What word from Chapter 6 refers to a strong and fast-moving stream of water or liquid?
(a) Stagnation.
(b) Flagrancy.
(c) Torrent.
(d) Derivative.

2. What word from Chapter 6 refers to a plant or substance that is capable of causing death or illness if taking into the body?
(a) Incendiary.
(b) Peripheral.
(c) Poisonous.
(d) Calsonic.

3. As Holston is about to exit the airlock for his cleaning, the narrator notes that the airlock area will be scrubbed clean and ready for the next cleaning by what time in Chapter 6?
(a) Nightfall.
(b) The next week.
(c) Noon.
(d) The next morning.

4. What word from Chapter 4 refers to a habitual gesture of way of speaking or behaving?
(a) Articulation.
(b) Juggernaut.
(c) Mannerism.
(d) Ablation.

5. Allison says to Holston in Chapter 5, “There is no uprising, not really, there’s just” what?
(a) “Truth.”
(b) “A gradual leak.”
(c) “People who need out.”
(d) “A coup.”

Short Answer Questions

1. What is said to cause the metal groan that Holston hears as he prepares to exit for cleaning in Chapter 6?

2. Where does Holston arrive in a sprint in the opening of Chapter 5?

3. As Holston considers the reasoning behind the difference in how the world actually looks and how it is portrayed inside the silo in Chapter 6, he wonders, “Could someone have decided that the truth was worse than” what?

4. During what time period does Chapter 5 take place?

5. What word in Chapter 6 describes an electric horn or a similar loud warning device?

Short Essay Questions

1. What response does Holston have when Nelson asks him at the end of Chapter 4, “You okay? Anything too tight?”

2. Whom does Allison believe to be responsible for keeping secrets in Chapter 5?

3. Why does Allison tell Holston she will return to the silo in Chapter 5?

4. How would you describe Holston’s emotional state in the end of Chapter 6?

5. What does Holston find in the cafeteria in the beginning of Chapter 5?

6. What does Holston recall of Allison’s preparations to depart for her cleaning in Chapter 4?

7. What “forbidden words” does Allison say in Chapter 5? How does Holston respond?

8. What changes take place in the airlock as the time nears for Holston’s departure in Chapter 6?

9. How is Holston’s behavior outside of the holding cell described in Chapter 5?

10. What conclusions Holston make upon taking in the surroundings of the outer world in Chapter 6?

(see the answer keys)

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