Wool Omnibus Edition (Wool 1 - 5) (Silo Saga 1) Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Hugh Howey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Wool Omnibus Edition (Wool 1 - 5) (Silo Saga 1) Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Hugh Howey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Wool Omnibus Edition (Wool 1 - 5) (Silo Saga 1) Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does the narrator say Holston left his wedding ring in Chapter 2?
(a) At his mistress’s house.
(b) In the holding cell.
(c) At his mother’s house.
(d) On his dresser.

2. What does the narrator say Holston and his wife had “invited into their lives” in Chapter 1?
(a) Religion.
(b) Superstition.
(c) Corruption.
(d) Revenge.

3. The narrator describes the sky in Chapter 2 as “the same dull gray of” what?
(a) “Poppy flowers.”
(b) “His childhood.”
(c) “The ocean.”
(d) “The smoke from a train.”

4. The narrator states in Chapter 3 that Holston’s “wife was a wizard with computers, no doubt, but” what “was not her bag, it was his”?
(a) “Auto repair.”
(b) “Cleaning.”
(c) “Cooking.”
(d) “Sleuthing.”

5. What did Holston and his wife keep under the mattress to bring luck for having twins?
(a) 2 flowers.
(b) 2 pennies.
(c) 2 dimes.
(d) 2 potatoes.

6. Chapter 3 is described as taking place how many years earlier?
(a) 4 years earlier.
(b) 3 years earlier.
(c) 5 years earlier.
(d) 2 years earlier.

7. What does Holston say Marnes’s title is in the end of Chapter 2?
(a) Police Chief.
(b) Deputy.
(c) Mayor.
(d) Sheriff.

8. Holston thinks to himself in Chapter 2, “Tomorrow will be my” what?
(a) “Promotion.”
(b) “Salvation.”
(c) “Wedding day.”
(d) "Revenge."

9. How many years ago was Jack Brent put to cleaning, according to the narrator in Chapter 2?
(a) 5.
(b) 13.
(c) 8.
(d) 19.

10. In the conclusion of Chapter 3, the narrator states that Holston’s “wife was poking some great, overly full balloon with” what?
(a) “A sword.”
(b) “A needle.”
(c) “A dagger.”
(d) “A broomstick.”

11. What is described as “the only moving feature on the landscape” in Chapter 2?
(a) “The buffalo.”
(b) “The cattle.”
(c) “The birds.”
(d) “The clouds.”

12. What word from Chapter 2 means essential or fundamental?
(a) Ablative.
(b) Primal.
(c) Lateral.
(d) Conducive.

13. The divisions of dormitories that Holston passes as he makes his way up the staircase in Chapter 1 are described as being shaped like what?
(a) Hexagon-shaped.
(b) Box-shaped.
(c) Pie-shaped.
(d) Diamond-shaped.

14. What is the mayor wearing when she appears at the holding cell in Chapter 2?
(a) A hazard suit.
(b) Coveralls.
(c) A pinstriped suit.
(d) A blue dress.

15. When the narrator says that Holston feels pressure to find someone to send to cleaning in Chapter 3, it is stated, “It was growing, like steam building up in the silo, ready to launch something out.” What literary technique is used in this sentence?
(a) Assonance.
(b) Literary allusion.
(c) Simile.
(d) Onomatopoeia.

Short Answer Questions

1. Allison tells Holston in the beginning of Chapter 3 that there was more than one what?

2. How many years has it been since someone’s been sent to cleaning in Chapter 3?

3. What word from Chapter 2 refers to a difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation?

4. The days of Holston’s childhood are described in Chapter 1 as being over how many years distant?

5. What idiom is used in Chapter 3 to refer to a prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true, by the very terms of the prediction itself, due to positive feedback between belief and behavior?

(see the answer keys)

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