Wooden Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Wooden Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Wooden think people should feel about the work they do?

2. What does Wooden say about his players' lives and problems?

3. In terms of his players' priorities, what rank does Wooden give to "social interaction"?

4. How does Wooden handle his players' weaknesses?

5. Where is "competitive greatness" in Wooden's visual representation of success?

Short Essay Questions

1. When it comes to winning championships, what two things does Wooden keep in mind?

2. What does Wooden say about coaches that win through violence and anger?

3. What are the two blocks that Wooden uses to introduce his image of a pyramid to his readers?

4. What elements make up the "mortar" of Wooden's pyramid of success? Why does he choose these elements?

5. Why doesn't Wooden believe that a leader should motivate with fear of discipline?

6. What are three ways that Wooden makes sure his players are ready for "physiological warfare"?

7. Aside from the center block on Wooden's pyramid of success, what other blocks are in the middle row?

8. Why does Wooden feel that parents shouldn't necessarily be concerned that their children aren't getting high grades?

9. Wooden is not what he calls a "dictator style coach." In what ways does he differ from that type of coach?

10. Despite the fact that Wooden doesn't like all his players, how does he treat them?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

There are a number of parallels that occur in "Wooden." Discuss the parallels between three of the following topics:

1. Wooden's relationship with his father and Wooden's relationship with the reader.

2. Wooden's time as a coach and Wooden's time as a father.

3. Wooden's relationship with his father and Wooden's relationship with his team members.

4. Wooden's pyramid of success and Wooden's coaching career.

5. Wooden's thoughts about his father and Wooden's thoughts about Abraham Lincoln.

Essay Topic 2

Poetry is used throughout "Wooden." Explore the ways in which poetry assists the reader in any two of the following areas:

1. Understanding Wooden's father.

2. Understanding Wooden's relationship with his wife, Nellie.

3. Understanding Wooden's coaching/teaching principles.

4. Understanding the way Wooden raises his family.

5. Understanding Wooden's pyramid of success.

Essay Topic 3

Wooden doesn't come out and directly state everything; instead, he allows the reader to make some inferences. What can the reader infer about the following topics based on what's written throughout "Wooden"? Be specific in your answer.

1. Wooden's relationship with his children.

2. Wooden's relationship with Kareem Abdul-Jabar.

3. Wooden's personal library.

4. Wooden's method of writing "Wooden."

(see the answer keys)

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