Wooden Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Wooden Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. For Wooden, success in a game is what?
(a) Not the final score.
(b) A money-making opportunity for a team and coach.
(c) Practically impossible to achieve.
(d) The only goal.

2. What does Wooden ensure about every player's shoes?
(a) That they have a thick sole.
(b) That they are clean at all times.
(c) That they are the correct size.
(d) That they look uniform to everyone else's shoes.

3. How does Wooden refer to his method of making sure his team is in better physical condition than their opponents?
(a) May the best win.
(b) Physiological warfare.
(c) The art of war.
(d) Social justice.

4. How long does Wooden say it took to come up with all his "blocks" to success?
(a) Twenty-one years.
(b) One year.
(c) Fourteen years.
(d) Ten years.

5. What does Wooden say about his players' lives and problems?
(a) He feels that they shouldn't have talked about those things in public but should have dealt with them in private.
(b) He says that they were not very big in the scheme of things.
(c) He thinks they were crybabies.
(d) He says he always tried to listen to them.

6. When does Wooden say he knew it was time for him to retire?
(a) When he dreaded talking to the press about an upcoming championship game.
(b) When his players stopped trying.
(c) When his wife Nellie passed away.
(d) When he didn't enjoy hearing his players' problems anymore.

7. What does Wooden say that discipline is?
(a) Punishment.
(b) Improvement.
(c) Loyalty.
(d) Fruitless.

8. How does Wooden describe "self satisfaction"?
(a) Knowing that you're going to be a good teacher someday.
(b) Knowing that you're on the way to making lots of money.
(c) Knowing you've done the best you could to be the best you can be.
(d) Knowing that you're on your way to success.

9. What two elements does Wooden say are the "mortar" keeping his physical representation of success together?
(a) Patience and faith.
(b) Faith and talent.
(c) Hope and faith.
(d) Faith and charity.

10. Wooden says when you take initiative, there are times when what may happen?
(a) You may make enemies.
(b) You may make a fool of yourself.
(c) You may make a profit.
(d) You may fail.

11. What type of coach doesn't Wooden seem to like?
(a) A democratic coach.
(b) A lenient coach.
(c) A fascist coach.
(d) A dictator style coach.

12. How does Wooden feel about the spirit of the game of basketball?
(a) He feels strongly about it.
(b) He feels like it's not as important as winning.
(c) He thinks the spirit has changed dramatically.
(d) He thinks it's overrated.

13. What shape does Wooden use to visually describe "success"?
(a) A hexagon.
(b) A box.
(c) A triangle.
(d) A pyramid.

14. A willingness to work hard is termed by Wooden as what?
(a) Silly.
(b) Faith.
(c) Industriousness.
(d) Hope.

15. Wooden says that you can have what on the lives of those you instruct?
(a) A moneymaking opportunity.
(b) No meaningful changes.
(c) An impact.
(d) Little input.

Short Answer Questions

1. Joshua Wooden and what other person are the influences on Wooden's physical representation of success?

2. What does Wooden say about the criticism he has received?

3. Wooden says that "team spirit" is something a person must be what?

4. Throughout his career, what percentage of Wooden's players received their diplomas?

5. Wooden says that confidence is something that can only occur after what?

(see the answer keys)

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