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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. In Chapter 17, Grady dons what type of piece of clothing?
2. Grady says in Chapter 20, "It's always been hard for me to tell the difference between denial and what used to be known as" (177) what?
3. What instruction does Emily give to Grady at the end of Chapter 27?
4. How does Emily react to the news that Grady is expecting a child with Sara?
5. Chapter 24 states that in the town where Grady grew up, how many of its citizens were Jews?
Short Essay Questions
1. To what action is Grady referring in Chapter 29 when he states, "I had decided to try something reckless, senseless, and stupid" (255)?
2. In what way does the theme of appearance versus reality appear in tandem with Grady's characterization of the "midnight disease" (23)?
3. Over the course of their relationship, how many fights have Emily and Grady had and what is the significance of this number?
4. How does Chabon go about depicting Irving as a man who insists on honesty?
5. In what way does the theme of hope emerge within Chapter 20?
6. Describe an instance when Chabon uses Grady's actions to demonstrate a character trait of Crabtree's.
7. What strange collection of objects does Grady have in the trunk of his car by the end of Chapter 28?
8. What were Emily's original career aspirations and what does she do for a living now?
9. What request does Deb make of Grady in Chapter 22 and why?
10. For what length of time have Emily and Grady been together when the narrative begins and what evolution did their plan for a family undergo?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Discuss how the themes of truth and lies are interwoven within the novel’s narrative.
Essay Topic 2
Trace the characterization arc of Grady’s character throughout the novel Wonder Boys. Discuss whether he is a round or flat character and whether he is a static or dynamic character.
Essay Topic 3
Discuss Chabon's purpose for juxtaposing at least two different locations in a particular way within the text of Wonder Boys.
This section contains 1,085 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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