Women Test | Final Test - Easy

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Women Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Henry renege on his deal in Chapter 96?
(a) Tammie catches him.
(b) He misses Sara.
(c) He does not have any money on him.
(d) He gets paranoid.

2. What does Henry do right before his reading in Chapter 62?
(a) Sleep with Tammie.
(b) Do drugs until he passes out.
(c) Vomit several times, then drink.
(d) Go shopping with his editor.

3. Who begins to visit Henry in Chapter 69?
(a) Mercedes.
(b) Porsche.
(c) Lydia.
(d) Sara.

4. Who does Henry go home with in Chapter 87?
(a) Debra.
(b) Tammie.
(c) Sara.
(d) Cassie.

5. To whom is Sara a spiritual adherent?
(a) Jesus Christ.
(b) Drayer Baba.
(c) Ghandi.
(d) Muhammed.

6. What are the names of the two German girls who stop by Henry's apartment?
(a) Sara and Debra.
(b) Valerie and Jemma.
(c) Hilda and Gertrude.
(d) Arlene and Tammie.

7. What does Henry decide about Sara in cCapter 92?
(a) That she is special.
(b) That she is crazy.
(c) That he wants to marry her.
(d) That she is not worth his time.

8. Where is Henry's reading held in Chapter 62?
(a) In a church.
(b) On the street.
(c) At a nightclub.
(d) In a bookstore.

9. What does Tammie do a surprisingly creditable job of in Chapter 67?
(a) Introducing Henry for a reading.
(b) Staying sober.
(c) Hiding from the police.
(d) Finding a new partner.

10. What does Henry accuse Tammie of the day after her brother and his friends visit?
(a) Infidelity.
(b) Drug abuse.
(c) Nothing.
(d) Alcoholism.

11. Who looks straight through Henry in Chapter 83?
(a) Cecelia Keesing.
(b) William Keesing.
(c) William Burroughs.
(d) Lydia Vance.

12. What surprises Henry in Chapter 95 after his violent rendezvous with Iris?
(a) That she can stand up and walk to the bathroom.
(b) That she falls asleep.
(c) That she slaps him.
(d) That she did not enjoy it.

13. Who is ill in Chapters 74 and 75?
(a) William Keesing.
(b) Cecelia.
(c) Lydia Vance.
(d) Henry Chinaski.

14. After Henry buys alcohol and cigarettes in Chapter 96, what does he offer a young black woman for fellatio?
(a) Nothing.
(b) $50.
(c) $20.
(d) $100.

15. When does Iris decide to visit Henry?
(a) New Year's Eve.
(b) Christmas.
(c) Thanksgiving.
(d) His birthday.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Liza do when she returns to Henry's apartment in Chapter 85?

2. Who does Henry sleep with in Chapter 97?

3. What gets stuck in Henry's car in Chapter 71?

4. Which of his women does Henry spend Thanksgiving with in Chapter 95?

5. Where is Liza Weston from?

(see the answer keys)

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