Women Talking Test | Final Test - Easy

Miriam Toews
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 90 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Women Talking Test | Final Test - Easy

Miriam Toews
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 90 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who procured the safe for the women?
(a) The Koop brothers.
(b) Ona.
(c) Klaas.
(d) August.

2. According to August, how often was he afraid in prison?
(a) Always.
(b) For just one week.
(c) Once or twice.
(d) Never.

3. What does Klaas want to retrieve from the co-op?
(a) Horse feed.
(b) Belladonna spray.
(c) Shoes.
(d) Money.

4. Who followed Autje and Neitje to the hayloft?
(a) Monica.
(b) Peters.
(c) Klaas.
(d) Nettie.

5. Since he became senile, what does Earnest do more often?
(a) He cares for the children often.
(b) He fams more.
(c) He cooks all the time.
(d) He curses more.

6. How many children do Klaas and Mariche have?
(a) 8.
(b) August has no idea.
(c) 12.
(d) 6.

7. When do the women plan to have their second meeting?
(a) After the men return.
(b) After dinner.
(c) After milking the cows.
(d) When the co-op opens.

8. Who has bad balance?
(a) Greta.
(b) Peters.
(c) Autje.
(d) Ona.

9. According to Agata, what should Salome do instead of cursing?
(a) Jumping jacks.
(b) Washing her mouth with soap.
(c) Push-ups.
(d) Running laps.

10. Who was the last to leave the June 6th meeting?
(a) Meja.
(b) Ona.
(c) Greta.
(d) Salome.

11. What song do the women sing first on June 7?
(a) For the Love of God.
(b) Tell Me the Secret.
(c) For the Beauty of the Earth.
(d) California Dreamin'.

12. Whose buggy did Agata borrow?
(a) August.
(b) Klaas.
(c) Peters.
(d) The Koop brothers.

13. Who visited August in prison?
(a) Ona.
(b) His mother.
(c) Nobody.
(d) His anarchist friends.

14. What is Agata's marital situation?
(a) She is divorced.
(b) Her husband is in jail.
(c) She remains married.
(d) She is a widow.

15. Who stows items for Autje and Neitje?
(a) Nettie.
(b) Klaas.
(c) Koop brothers.
(d) Earnest.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was injured by Klaas?

2. Who does Klaas ignore?

3. Why did August go to jail?

4. What did August pick that night?

5. How many horses does Klaas need?

(see the answer keys)

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