Women of the Silk Test | Final Test - Easy

Gail Tsukiyama
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Women of the Silk Test | Final Test - Easy

Gail Tsukiyama
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Yu-sung discover about Li when she returned for her third day visit after her marriage?
(a) She refuses to go back to her husband.
(b) She has a nervous condition.
(c) Her husband beat her.
(d) She has the chicken pox.

2. What is nien kao?
(a) Soup.
(b) Vegetable.
(c) Sticky sweet cake.
(d) Appetizer.

3. When Chen Ling is summoned to Auntie Yee's beside, how has her illness progressed?
(a) She has pnuemonia.
(b) She is coughing up blood.
(c) Her entire leg is swollen.
(d) She can't see.

4. Besides shorter work hours, what changes did Chung agree to for the factory workers after their strike?
(a) Air conditioning.
(b) To buy lunch every day.
(c) New windows for better ventilation.
(d) Compensation for extra hours and a day off every two weeks.

5. How many workers gathered at the sisters' home the night before the protest?
(a) Two hundred.
(b) Fifty.
(c) Over a hundred.
(d) Seventy-five.

6. What does Mui call Lin?
(a) Missy.
(b) Lady.
(c) Little girl.
(d) Dear one.

7. Why is traveling within the city difficult in Chapter 17?
(a) Because of military checkpoints.
(b) Too many Japanese fighters.
(c) The river has flooded.
(d) Lots of rain.

8. What does Lin write to her brother Ho Yung about in Chapter 18?
(a) A place on the boat for Ji Shen.
(b) For money.
(c) Her mother.
(d) About finding her an apartment.

9. What does Chung insist the factory workers do to make up for lost revenue in Chapter 11?
(a) Work faster.
(b) Work longer hours for no additional pay.
(c) Lower their work quality.
(d) Skip part of the process to get it done faster.

10. What does Chung arrive in during the strike?
(a) Sedan chair.
(b) Bicycle.
(c) Rickshaw.
(d) Long black car.

11. Who nurses Ji Shen back to health?
(a) Kung Ma.
(b) Pei.
(c) Ming.
(d) Chen Ling.

12. How does Lin die?
(a) From illness.
(b) Food posioning.
(c) A fire at the factory.
(d) Drowns when a boat overturns.

13. What does the large shipment mean for the silk factory after New Year's in Chapter 16?
(a) Enforcement of longer hours.
(b) Lots of work for the girls.
(c) No breaks during the day.
(d) Lunch is only 15 minutes long.

14. What does Pei say about Ho Yung, Lin's youngest brother?
(a) He most closely resembles Lin.
(b) Auntie Yee would like him.
(c) He is a flirt.
(d) He likes to eat a lot.

15. How long is the list of demands that comes from the secret meeting?
(a) Two pages.
(b) Six pages.
(c) One page.
(d) Three pages.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Pao comes into the house for dinner in Chapter 13, what does he check for?

2. When Pei goes back to her family's farm, what color does she describe the soil as?

3. What expression does Moi have on her face after Pei and Lin speak to her and she is back in the kitchen in Chapter 16?

4. Why were some factory workers getting sick in Chapter 11?

5. When Pao sees Pei walking toward the pond when she returns home, how does he describe his daughter's appearance?

(see the answer keys)

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