Woman Hollering Creek Test | Final Test - Medium

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Woman Hollering Creek Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of Cleofilas’ neighbors considers herself a widow but never mentions her husband?
(a) Chela
(b) Soledad
(c) Dolores
(d) Felice

2. Cleofilas laments that her life has become like a telenovela except there is no what in sight?
(a) Happy ending
(b) Screaming harpy
(c) Loving family
(d) Handsome suitor

3. Juan Pedro wants to marry Cleofilas right away for what reason?
(a) He can’t take much time off work
(b) They have had a baby
(c) His father insists he marry or he will be disinherited
(d) She is pregnant

4. Maximiliano was said to have killed who in a bar brawl?
(a) His mother
(b) His brother
(c) His wife
(d) His son

5. What is the full name of Juan Pedro in “Woman Hollering Creek”?
(a) Juan Pedro Garcia Silva
(b) Juan Pedro Romero Munoz
(c) Juan Pedro Martinez Sanchez
(d) Juan Pedro Gomez Mendoza

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Cleofilas find Juan Pedro’s whiskers every morning?

2. At what time is Cleofilas’ doctor’s appointment when she goes to see about the health of her second pregnancy?

3. On the nights when Juan Pedro does not come home, Cleofilas is said to lie on “her side of the bed listening to the hollow roar of” what?

4. What is Cleofilas’ full name in “Woman Hollering Creek”?

5. According to the narrator, Juan Pedro’s face is still scarred from what?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is Cleofilas’ laughter described at the end of the story? What does the laughter symbolize?

2. Why does Cleofilas plead with Juan Pedro to take her to the doctor in the story?

3. How is Cleofilas’ hometown described early in the story? How does Cleofilas spend her time there?

4. What is the turning point for Cleofilas and her perceptions of identity in the story?

5. How does Cleofilas compare her life to the lives of the heroines of the telenovelas?

6. How would you describe the use of “archetypes” and “stereotypes” in “Woman Hollering Creek”?

7. What differences does Cleofilas find when she returns home after giving birth to her son?

8. What does Felice do when she drives past Woman Hollering Creek in the narrative? How does Cleofilas respond?

9. What about the creek by her house fascinates Cleofilas after her marriage? How does she pursue this matter?

10. How is the incident when Juan Pedro throws a book at Cleofilas described? What is Cleofilas’ reaction to this event?

(see the answer keys)

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