Wolves of the Calla Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 213 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Wolves of the Calla Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 213 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jake discover in Part 3, Chapter 3?
(a) An observation post called The Dogan that is filled with computer equipment; he then sees Mr. Slightman and Andy enter and listens as they make a report about everything that is going on in the village into one of the computer terminals.
(b) That Susannah has already had her baby, and that Susannah is no longer Susannah, but rather Mia permanently.
(c) That Tia is secretly plotting to kill her brother and his family in their sleep before the Wolves come again.
(d) That while the town sleeps, the Wolves come and do reconnaissance on the village to make plans in order to prepare for their next raid.

2. What does Mrs. Eisenhart do with her group?
(a) She upholds and decides the village's laws and settles disputes between villagers.
(b) She teaches the young girls to sew.
(c) She bakes bread from the wheat she grows and then gives it away to the villagers during church on Sundays.
(d) She practices throwing plates.

3. Who does Roland initially ask to help guard the children during the battle with the Wolves?
(a) Andy.
(b) Mr. Overholser.
(c) Mr. Slightman.
(d) Tian.

4. What does Eddie convince Calvin to do?
(a) Sell his bookstore.
(b) Join the ka-tet.
(c) Leave town.
(d) Sell his rare book collection.

5. What else did Eddie achieve at The Manhattan Restaurant of the Mind?
(a) Eddie brought back "The Hogan."
(b) Eddie gave Black Thirteen to Calvin Tower.
(c) Eddie convinced Calvin Tower to sell him the vacant lot.
(d) Eddie bought the bookstore from Calvin Tower.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is Callahan when he sees the article in the newspaper about his friend, Rowan Magruder?

2. What does Jake ask of Roland in Part 3, Chapter 4?

3. What does Eddie tell Roland when he returns from visiting with Calvin Tower?

4. After the mobsters leave, what do Calvin and Eddie discuss?

5. What does Susannah demonstrate for Roland, Eddie, and Jake at the Jaffords' farm?

Short Essay Questions

1. As Jake and Roland ride into town together, what is Jake concerned about that he discusses with Roland?

2. When Roland and Jake get to the Jafford farm, what does Roland speak to Zalia about?

3. Who are the Sisters of Oriza?

4. At the beginning of Part 3, Chapter 1, what idea does Roland present to Father Callahan?

5. What does Jake tell everyone in Part 3, Chapter 4?

6. In Part 3, Chapter 3, what is on Jake's mind?

7. What is the significance of Lady Oriza and throwing plates?

8. What does Jamie Jaffords tell Eddie after Eddie and Susannah have dinner with Tian Jaffords and his family?

9. While Father Callahan is gone looking for Calvin Tower, what does Roland discover?

10. What is Roland's response to Jake's concerns during this ride into town?

(see the answer keys)

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