Wolf by the Ears Test | Final Test - Easy

Ann Rinaldi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Wolf by the Ears Test | Final Test - Easy

Ann Rinaldi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Harriet, how much food does a sheep require?
(a) One fifth the amount a cow does.
(b) Only as much as it will eat.
(c) Two buckets of grain.
(d) One bale of hay.

2. What reason does Harriet give for Jefferson not admitting he is the father of Sally's children?
(a) It's the way things are in the world.
(b) He isn't sure himself.
(c) He doesn't love them.
(d) He isn't their father.

3. What is Madison's opinion about Sally's children leaving Monticello and not seeing each other?
(a) It's the right thing for them to do.
(b) He is excited for his time.
(c) It's not right.
(d) He likes the idea.

4. In July 1820, who does Harriet remind that it is hard to be a freed slave?
(a) Sally.
(b) Mammy Ursula.
(c) Randolph.
(d) Beverly.

5. In July 1820, what does Harriet say she doesn't want to be sold like when Jefferson dies?
(a) A piece of furniture.
(b) Cattle.
(c) A house.
(d) A slave.

6. According to Harriet, what isn't safe for a free black woman?
(a) The world.
(b) Getting an education.
(c) Leaving the plantation.
(d) Getting married.

7. Who does Beverly say wasn't at Monticello when Harriet and Beverly were conceived?
(a) Randolph.
(b) Jefferson.
(c) Peter Carr.
(d) Bankhead.

8. In his letter to Harriet, who does Randolph say may come to visit Harriet next summer?
(a) Beverly.
(b) A possible fiance.
(c) Bankhead.
(d) Tom.

9. How does Mammy say she will feel about Harriet when she's gone in May 17, 1822?
(a) She will no longer love her.
(b) She will be angry.
(c) She will miss Harriet.
(d) She will forget all about her.

10. In October 1821, what concern does Harriet express about passing for white?
(a) That she won't like it.
(b) That she will forget her real name.
(c) That she'll be unable to write to her mother.
(d) That she will be discovered.

11. According to Sally, in The Middle of August 1822, what is making Jefferson sad?
(a) Beverly and Harriet's leaving.
(b) He misses Tom.
(c) He is afraid for Harriet.
(d) He is getting old.

12. Who does Martha say Harriet's father is?
(a) Jefferson.
(b) Peter Carr.
(c) A slave.
(d) She doesn't know.

13. Who sends a letter to Harriet wishing her well and promising to help her if she ever needs assistance?
(a) Bankhead.
(b) Randolph.
(c) Martha.
(d) Jefferson.

14. How does Harriet meet her fiance?
(a) He comes to her room.
(b) She serves him tea.
(c) At a dinner party.
(d) Jefferson introduces them.

15. What surprises Harriet's fiance about the way she addresses Jefferson?
(a) She calls him Master.
(b) She calls him Mr. Jefferson.
(c) She calls him Thomas.
(d) She calls him Father.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Harriet have bad dreams about shortly before she leaves the plantation?

2. What does Harriet say is a gift not to be thrown away?

3. What does Jefferson give Harriet as a gift before she leaves?

4. In October 1821, how does Harriet spend her free time?

5. What is Sally sitting on in the cellar when Harriet finds her in May 15, 1822?

(see the answer keys)

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