With Malice Toward None: The Life of Abraham Lincoln Test | Final Test - Easy

Stephen B. Oates
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

With Malice Toward None: The Life of Abraham Lincoln Test | Final Test - Easy

Stephen B. Oates
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The rest of the troops gradually arrived, with _______________ leading an outfit from New York, though he would be killed in a battle very early on.
(a) Edward Porter Alexander.
(b) Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard.
(c) Elmer Ellsworth.
(d) Richard Stoddert Ewell.

2. George Gordon Meade continued with the Army of the Potomac on a collision course with Lee where?
(a) In Richmond.
(b) In Gettysburg.
(c) At Manassus.
(d) At Bulls Run.

3. Stonewall Jackson's force blew through Fremont's lines in Shenandoah Valley, though Lincoln had done what?
(a) Weakened Jackson's men.
(b) Given the generals plenty of well-trained soldiers.
(c) Given the generals specific instructions to prevent his escape.
(d) Provided his army with experienced generals.

4. Lincoln was very busy, often with over _________ visitors a day, and his right hand was swollen and sore from all the shaking.
(a) 1000.
(b) 100.
(c) 150.
(d) 50.

5. McClellan's _____________ was a huge problem.
(a) Inactivity.
(b) Lack of experience.
(c) Lack of intelligence.
(d) Fear.

6. Lincoln finally had to take matters into his own hands and do what?
(a) Help McClellan with planning an attack for the Army of the Potomac.
(b) Find a new leader for the Army of the Potomac.
(c) Order the Army of the Potomac into action.
(d) Order the Army of the Potomac to surrender.

7. Who did Lincoln think about after Willie's death?
(a) Mary.
(b) His mother.
(c) God.
(d) His father.

8. Who was Lincoln's Attorney General?
(a) James Speed.
(b) Montgomery Blair.
(c) William Dennison.
(d) Edward Bates.

9. How did Lincoln meet with his cabinet members?
(a) He would meet with all of them at once.
(b) He refused to meet with any of them.
(c) He would consult them individually.
(d) He would meet with them in small groups.

10. In __________ Tennessee, Ulysses S. Grant won a victory for the Union, though rumors persisted that he was a drunk.
(a) Northern.
(b) Eastern.
(c) Southern.
(d) Western.

11. When McClellan finally ordered his army into the enemy camp at Manassas, what did he find?
(a) The camp abandoned and a great deal of weaponry.
(b) A well-stocked and well-trained Confederate Army.
(c) A Union regiment.
(d) The camp abandoned and that the cannons he thought the rebels had were just logs.

12. Lincoln invited who to stay with them at the White House?
(a) Benjamin Hardin Helm and Emilie Helm.
(b) Sally Lincoln and Abraham's siblings.
(c) Emilie Helm and her three children.
(d) Robert Lincoln.

13. Why did Lincoln grow his Quaker beard?
(a) His face was cold.
(b) A little girl wrote him a letter telling him his face was too thin and he should grow a beard.
(c) Mary asked him to grow it.
(d) It was stylish.

14. Who were refuges for Lincoln?
(a) Lincoln's boys Willie and Tad.
(b) His close friends.
(c) Lincoln's cabinet members.
(d) His wife and son, Robert.

15. Lincoln's small war department was __________ prepared to deal with such a colossal undertaking.
(a) Very.
(b) Ill.
(c) Well.
(d) Somewhat.

Short Answer Questions

1. Robert E. Lee decided to fight for whom?

2. How was Meade like his predecessors?

3. Lincoln left by train to go to Washington, making stops along the way for speeches and appearances, including a stop in New York to meet who?

4. Lincoln demoted McDowell in favor of who to take command of the Army of the Potomac?

5. Jude Early led a rebel force from Harper's Ferry to seize what city?

(see the answer keys)

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