With Malice Toward None: The Life of Abraham Lincoln Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Stephen B. Oates
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

With Malice Toward None: The Life of Abraham Lincoln Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Stephen B. Oates
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the With Malice Toward None: The Life of Abraham Lincoln Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part Eleven: Moody, Tearful Night.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What school did Lincoln attend irregularly between ages 11 and 15, developing interests in reading, poetry, penmanship, and the early years of the American Republic?
(a) A boarding school.
(b) A parochial school.
(c) A private school.
(d) The "blab school."

2. Lincoln called for troops from the Union, and there was a riot in ___________ when the Sixth Massachusetts tried to march through.
(a) Bridgeport.
(b) Baltimore.
(c) Bloomington.
(d) Boston.

3. What did Lincoln give Mary with the inscription "Love is Eternal?"
(a) A ring.
(b) A broach.
(c) A necklace.
(d) A bracelet.

4. Where were the Lincolns married?
(a) The Courthouse.
(b) St. Paul's Cathedral.
(c) Edwards mansion.
(d) Lincoln's home.

5. What did Mary turn to for help when her son died?
(a) Her social group.
(b) Her family.
(c) Religion.
(d) Her neighbors.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did neighbors think about the Lincoln children?

2. Jude Early led a rebel force from Harper's Ferry to seize what city?

3. The War Department began mobilizing black regiments, agreeing that black and white outfits would do what?

4. Lincoln declared that the ________________ no longer applied, which caused flocks of slaves to run to the Union border, claiming themselves for the Union as "contraband of war."

5. Upon reports that Grant was drinking again, Lincoln did what?

(see the answer key)

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